Topic: pioctls leak kernel memory contents CVE-2015-3284 Issued: 29-July-2015 Last Update: 29-July-2015 Affected: OpenAFS versions 1.6.0 through 1.6.12 A local user executing commands which make pioctl calls to the kernel will have some contents of kernel memory leaked when buffers used are larger than data being returned. SUMMARY ======= The kernel's pioctl handling uses either a private pool of buffers or allocated memory depending on the size of what is anticipated to be returned. In either case a buffer larger than needed can be used, leaking the contents of the buffer to the caller. IMPACT ====== Stack or private pool memory can be leaked to a local caller. AFFECTED SOFTWARE ================= OpenAFS kernel extensions for versions 1.6.0 through 1.6.12 FIXES ===== The OpenAFS project recommends that administrators of fileservers upgrade to OpenAFS version 1.6.13 or newer. For those sites unable, or unwilling, to upgrade a patch which resolves this issue is available directly from: The latest stable OpenAFS release is always available from This announcement and code patches related to it may be found on the OpenAFS security advisory page at: The main OpenAFS web page is at: