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OpenAFS Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2012

Welcome back to the OpenAFS newsletter!

I want to begin by thanking Jason Edgecombe for all his hard work on the newsletter over the past years. It is with his guidance and support as well as the support of the OpenAFS Gatekeepers, that I am picking up where Jason left off.

In the revised newsletter, you will see many of the same features of past issues. I hope to also include some new features such as AFS case studies, question and answer, and so on. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

This newsletter is very much a community resource. Any contributions for future issues, thoughts, or feedback, please send 'em along. If there is something you would like to see featured, please let me know. I can be reached at: botsch(at)

As always, past issues can be found at:

Case Study: High Availability with OpenAFS

As part of a layered setup, OpenAFS adds another important level of redundancy to the SysAdmin's High Availability setup. SysAdmins are already familiar with OpenAFS's ReadOnly data replication feature. And despite not yet having official ReadWrite data replication support, OpenAFS can also provide failover for ReadWrite data.

"For some of the 10k+ users of AFS at CERN, the high-availability (HA) of their data is of utmost importance" writes Arne Wiebalck of CERN.

And Ken Dreyer of US Geological Survey writes that "we use AFS to distribute website content to web servers in three geographic regions ... it's acceptable to have a little bit of downtime, but we need to be able to recover with a minimum of hassle if we had an outage ... to meet our team's mission of highly available web content."

Ken and Arne describe their similar approaches to High Availability with OpenAFS.

Both Ken and Arne advise beginning one's high availability setup at the physical disk level. "The first level is our SANs: we have several SAS disks set up in a RAID array, so that if a disk fails, we can have on-site techs replace the disk in the SAN. This is a fairly standard enterprise-level practice, and it could be done with any fileserver technology, so it's not really AFS-specific" writes Ken.

Next, Ken and Arne move to protecting against failure of the server hardware itself. While AFS's built in ReadOnly data replication coupled with AFS's location independence ensure a short failover time to another server, one is still down a production server. And the normal built in mechanism only works with ReadOnly replicated data. Also depending on the number of servers, certain AFS operations which write to the backend AFS databases will no longer be available. ReadWrite data stored on the down server is offline. And if the server is the only one in a particular physical location, additional network spans over a WAN add latency for transfers of replicated ReadOnly data from a redundant server.

Enter level 2, server address redundancy. Both Ken and Arne fail over the IP address / server identity to another physical or virtual server.

Arne writes that "Protection against hardware failures (individual disks, entire arrays or servers) is done via the server setup: pairs of servers with mirroring over shared external SAS arrays. Here, fail-over times between servers were reduced enormously by exchanging the servers' sysid. This allows the servers to take over each other's identity and avoids the otherwise required (lengthy) VDLB synchronisation."

According to,

        Each time the File Server restarts, it builds a list of interfaces on the
        local machine ... [and] The File Server records the resulting list in the
        binary-format sysid file and registers the interfaces in the VLDB.
        When the Cache Manager requests volume location information, the Volume
        Location (VL) Server provides all of the interfaces registered for each
        server machine that houses the volume.

Ken agrees that "The method of using multiple servers hooked a SAN is not strictly unique to AFS, but the key is that AFS provides us with a level of fileserver transparency. Even without the virtual IPs, the names and numbers of fileservers are abstracted away from our clients, so we have more breathing room when it comes to outages, or when we scale out using virtualization." At ANL, Ken has "four AFS fileservers hooked into our SAN. Three fileservers are active, and one is a warm spare. If we have hardware problems with one fileserver, we take that one offline and use the fourth. Each fileserver has "virtual" IPs associated with it. We run the AFS fileservice on these virtual IP addresses, so that if a physical server dies, we can move the "virtual" IP to a different fileserver, re-assign the data on the SAN, and continue to serve data via the fileserver that way."

But what happens when the server IP failover process itself goes awry? Or when a larger problem with the SAN keeps disk inaccessible to one or more servers? That's where AFS's built in data replication and redundancy features, both old and new, come into play.

"AFS replications provide our third level of redundancy. We have three geographic regions, each with a SAN hardware stack as described above. We use AFS's replication ("vos release") to distribute read-only volumes to each region. Almost all of our volume replications are done via cron tasks using -localauth, every 15 minutes. We have some algorithms in place that distribute these replications so that we don't overwhelm our master VLDB server. In fact if I'm remembering right, we recently put in some checks with rxdebug to ensure that the master VLDB is able to keep up with the replication load" writes Ken.

But Ken's approach does have one minor drawback. "We serve all production websites from read-only volumes, so that if we lose a region due to a network outage or hardware failure, the websites stay online. For these websites, changes only show up 'live' every 15 minutes." Here is how Ken quantifies the tradeoff: "We have to trade instantly-visible updates for high-availability."

For those instances where instantly-visible updates are the higher priority, Ken takes a slightly modified approach. He writes that "we have a couple of websites in AFS where the users are more interested in instantly viewing their changes, rather than seamless high availability. For these cases, we are able to mount the underlying AFS volumes explicitly as read-write, using fs mount's '-rw' flag. The volumes are still replicated every 15 minutes, but it happens 'behind the scenes'. The users don't know about the details, and because AFS provides a global namespace, these locations look like anything else in the file system.

"If we have a prolonged outage, such as an entire SAN failure, then my team uses 'vos convertROtoRW' to convert another region's RO copies to RW. In these cases, assuming the users 'save early and often', hopefully we can minimize the amount of work lost. The big advantage to 'vos convertROtoRW' is that it is very fast, compared to the older 'dump / restore' method for converting RO volumes to RW."

Whereas Ken makes use of 'convertROtoRW', Arne makes use of the relatively new OpenAFS feature, shadow volumes. Arne writes that " 'volume shadowing' is implemented to allow for quick user-driven recovery in case a volume is not accessible. For this, registered volumes are vos shadow'ed at regular intervals and users can re-instantiate the shadow to the original by an authenticated remote procedure call."

However, both Ken's and Arne's approaches each are not without their own set of challenges.

Shadow volumes are invisible copies and not present in the Volume Location Database. One has to, through some other means, keep track of where on disk these shadow volumes are. One may also bump against volume name length limitations. Arne writes that "Due to the length limitation of the volume name, the approach to use shadow volumes for HA requires some (external) mapping of original name to shadow name in order to allow for a unique association of original and shadow volume name on restores." And one needs to be sure the original ReadWrite volume does not suddently reappear. Additional warnings are in the "vos shadow" documentation.

And what of Ken's approach? "It has its downsides" writes Ken. Such as, again, the original ReadWrite volume needs to stay gone -- there is no method to downconvert a ReadWrite volume to a ReadOnly volume. Ken, however, is optimistic. "It's not true multi-master RW, but it works in a pinch."

No matter whether an individual disk fails, a SAN array decides to take a nap, an individual server falls over, or something wonky corrupts an OpenAFS volume itself, Ken and Arne are well prepared. And it is thanks to the robust and fault tolerant design of OpenAFS that Ken and Arne carry a much larger toolbag for when the inevitable computer disaster strikes.

OpenAFS 1.6.1 Released

The OpenAFS Gatekeepers are pleased to announce the availability of OpenAFS version 1.6.1. Source files and available binaries can be accessed via the web at:

or via AFS at:


OpenAFS 1.6.1 is the second of a new series of stable releases of OpenAFS. Sites running 1.6.0 or prereleases of 1.6.1 are urged to upgrade; The 1.6.0 fileserver has a bug which can under some circumstances cause data loss in replicated volumes.


Sites running 1.6.0 fileserver are urged to update immediately to avoid data loss. A bug which can lose data on a fileserver for volumes which are replicated or backed up has been fixed.

Sites running 1.6.0 UNIX clients are urged to update immediately to avoid excess network traffic.

Updated idle dead handling to avoid issues with retrying calls which could succeed but error and then error on a retry.

Fix salvaging of volumes with large numeric IDs.

Further correct tracking of alternate and changed addresses in the fileserver.

Do not perform Rx keepalives during disk IO to allow timeouts to occur in event IO cannot complete.

More available in the OpenAFS Release Notes at

Known Issues

Even OpenAFS has bugs. This newsletter, we'll highlight the following: in 1.6.1...

        (indented text credited to Jeffrey Altman on openafs-info)

Idle Dead Timeouts

        1.6.1pre2 contained a fix for the idle dead issues.
        A request to a file server for a non-replicated object will use a timeout of
        20 minutes.  If your file servers are not responding in that time period
        (unless your data is offline in an hierarchical storage management system),
        then you have bigger problems.
        If the request is against a replicated object (read/only) then a shorter
        timeout is used but a retry will not be sent to the same file server that
        failed to respond in a timely manner.

Vnode Lock Contention Typing Up All the Server Threads

OpenAFS file servers have a limited thread pool size. At the present time, "all threads can become blocked on a single vnode". Unfortunately, this issue is not yet fixed.

Client Side "RX Busy" Packet Processing

        A client can receive the response to a call and issue the next call on the
        same call channel before the file server has finished cleaning up the prior
        call which results in an RX BUSY packet being sent to the client. There is a
        race in the file server that has existed since the beginning of time.
        Simon and [Jeffrey] have researched several solutions but none of them are
        appealing because they all introduce additional contention with the file
        server's rx listener thread which slows down the file server's ability to
        process incoming packets.

But fixed:

        [The] UNIX client was failing to unconditionally retry requests when an RX
        BUSY packet is received.

OpenAFS 1.7.10 for Windows Released

OpenAFS 1.7.10 is the latest in a new series of OpenAFS clients for the Microsoft Windows platform that is implemented as a native file system.

Below you will find some of the major benefits of the 1.7.x series of OpenAFS for Windows and a few of the highlights of the new 1.7.10 release. Keep in mind that OpenAFS for Windows also has some limitations. Please read the OpenAFS for Windows release announcements and release notes for more information.

Major Benefits of OpenAFS 1.7.x for Windows

Significantly faster than previous release series (up to 800MB/second read throughput from Solid State Disk backed cache)

        The transaction rate and throughput performance of the SMB client was
        limited by the "SMB client <-> loopback <-> SMB server" performance:
        54MB/sec maximum on 32-bit systems and 63MB/sec on 64-bit systems.  The IFS
        client is capable of throughput rates to/from cache up to 800MB/sec
        depending on the system I/O bus and backing store capabilities.  Read
        performance of uncached data from file servers on a 1Gbit/second network
        link have been observed in excess of 74MB/seconds.

Does not require the installation of the Microsoft Windows Loopback Adapter

        Prior OpenAFS clients for Microsoft Windows were implemented as an SMB to
        AFS gateway whereby the OpenAFS service published a local SMB Server named
        \\AFS on a private network address and all requests to browse, read, or
        write the \\AFS name space were managed by Microsoft's SMB client.  One of
        the requirements of this model is the use of a Microsoft Loopback Adapter
        statically bound to a private IP address.  This ensured that under most
        circumstances there would be a network path for the SMB client to
        communicate with the AFS SMB server even if the machine was disconnected
        from physical networks.
        The loopback adapter approach worked quite well for Windows XP and 2003 but
        by the time Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 were released the loopback adapter
        had been converted to a plug'n'play device and it is no longer a stable
        network path when the machine is disconnected from physical networks or when
        the machine is returned from a sleep state.
        With the introduction of a native AFS installable file system
        driver(afsredir.sys / afsredirlib.sys) there is no requirement to install
        the Microsoft Loopback Adapter.  This will be a significant relief to sites
        that use software license tracking software that is confused by the use of a
        single private network address on all machines.

Provides support for kernel enforced Process and Thread Authentication Groups

        AFS Tokens are associated with Windows user names in the SMB client.  With
        the IFS client, tokens are associated with Authentication Groups.  By
        default, an authentication group is allocated for each User SID and Logon
        Session Id combination.  In addition, it is possible for    processes to
        create additional Authentication Groups.  Each thread in a process can
        select an Authentication Group within the process as the active
        Authentication Group.  This will permit AFS aware IIS modules to associate
        AFS credentials with a particular incoming request.  An IIS implementation
        of File Drawers will be the preferred implementation once it is developed.
        One of the significant benefits of Authentication Groups within the Windows
        environment is that Windows services (svchost.exe, csrss.exe, etc.) which
        impersonate user processes will seamlessly gain access to the user's AFS
        credentials for the lifetime of the impersonation.
        The use of Authentication Groups will finally permit a single Windows user
        account to logon to a Terminal Server multiple times and maintain
        independent credential sets.  This is a critical piece of functionality for
        sites that map arbitrary non-AD Kerberos principals to a single local
        machine account.

No Delays After a Resume from Sleep

        Windows Vista and 7 shutdown the network stack when the machine is
        suspended.  This causes problems for applications that are actively using
        files in the \\AFS name space when the machine suspended.  With the IFS
        driver, open file handles are maintained through the sleep state and are
        immediately available when the machine wakes.

No "AFS" Server Name Collisions

        When relying on the Microsoft SMB client to resolve the \\AFS server name it
        was critical that no machine in the active DNS domain or sharing the same
        WINS server be assigned the name "AFS".  Doing so could result in requests
        intended for the local AFS SMB gateway service being sent to the remote
        This is no longer an issue with the IFS driver.  The driver registers
        ownership with the Multiple UNC Provider (MUP) for all UNC paths beginning
        with \\AFS.

Symlinks to UNC Paths permit a cohesive name space

        It has always been possible to create reparse points in Microsoft's DFS name
        space that refer to \\AFS paths.  It is now possible to create symlinks in
        AFS that refer to arbitrary UNC paths.  This permits the construction of a
        cohesive name space that spans across both AFS and DFS storage.

Reparse Points

        AFS Mount Points and Symlinks are exported by the file system as Windows
        reparse points with a Microsoft assigned tag value. Tools that are OpenAFS
        reparse point aware query AFS symlinks and mount points without requiring
        knowledge of AFS pioctls.
        In a future release, mount points and symlinks will be first class objects
        that can be created and removed using the Win32 File API.

AFS Volumes are Windows File Systems

        Each AFS volume is represented in the Windows kernel as a distinct file
        system.  This will permit AFS volume quotas to viewed as Windows file system
        quotas in a future release.

Highlights of 1.7.9 and 1.7.10.

Improved compatibility with anti-virus and other anti-malware products.

Fixed kernel deadlocks with Trend Micro

BSOD issues fixed

Corrected processing of symlinks containing ".." components

Correct an RX deadlock introduced in 1.7.9

Redesigned AFS PIOCTL processing to workaround broken SMB protocol implementations.Ensure that file data is flushed to the file server before file locks are released

Prevent afsd_service crash if a file is marked delete on close and the file server is unreachable

Project Updates

Documentation Project

        No recent process and on hold indefinitely.
                --Russ Allbery
        We have documentation.  It needs improvement.   End users should read it and
                --Jeffrey Altman

Per-File ACLs

        There is some functional code, but:
        (1) Some effort is needed to standardize the protocol changes that are needed
        (2) The way that ACLs are stored on disk needs to be adapted to fit what was
        agreed on at the Pittsburgh hackathon in April 2011.  This remains to be
                --Marc Dionne

Read-Write Replication

        The work used the code produced during the 2008 Google Summer of Code by
        Vishal Powar as a starting point.  This work is being funded by YFS.
        Current Status:
        (1) There is functional code for basic read-write replication.
        (2)  A few inital batches of changes have been submitted for review, and
        some first commits have been merged.  The rest of the code will be submitted
        gradually as things get merged.
        (3) A description of the implementation needs to be completed and submitted
        to developers on openafs-devel to help with code review.
        (4) The main aspects that will be lacking in this first version are refined
        controls to start and stop replication, and dealing more cleanly and
        automatically with various issues like errors, congestion, low bandwidth,
        (5) Some more advanced features are also planned and have been implemented
        for testing, for instance parallel reading from a set of read-write
                --Marc Dionne

TCP Out of Band Support

        The current onus is on me to submit a protocol draft to the standards group;
        I have a document that needs to be sanitized and checked for correctness.
        For this, I am giving myself an informal deadline of April 20th, though I
        hope to have it sooner. Just as a data point, the current implementation
        includes a 1.4 Linux client, a 1.4 Linux fileserver, and a 1.6 Linux client;
        the latter two are undergoing testing.
                --Andrew Deason

Extended Callbacks

        An updated Extended Callback Information draft was published.
                --Matt W. Benjamin
        Blocked on standardization.  It can't move forward until there is a secure
        callback channel which requires that rxgk be completed.
                --Jeffrey Altman

RXGK proposal (draft-wilkinson-afs3-rxgk)

        The code for rxgk is complete, and being tested in a couple of cells.
        Inclusion in OpenAFS is dependent upon the various standards documents
        making their way through the afs3-standardisation process, which is the main
        hold up. A number of last-minute issues were raised during a last call a few
        months ago. Whilst consensus appears to exist for the majority of the
        document, a new version of the drafts will be required to address these
                --Simon Wilkinson

Gerrit Activity


Patches merged into the master branch

        Month   Number of commits   
        2012-04         146                             
        2012-03         51                      
        2012-02         75                      
        2012-01         85                      
        2011-12         121                     
        2011-11         116                     
        2011-10         67

Patches merged into the devel 1.7.x branch

        Month   Number of commits               
        2012-04         68                              
        2012-03         25                              
        2012-02         43                              
        2012-01         73                              
        2011-12         63                              
        2011-11         206

Patches merged into the stable 1.6.x branch

        Month   Number of commits               
        2012-04         2                               
        2012-03         19                              
        2012-02         72                              
        2012-01         21                              
        2011-12         83                              
        2011-11         78                              
        2011-10         32

Patches merged into the stable 1.4.x branch

        Month   Number of commits               
        2012-04         1                               
        2012-02         1                               
        2012-01         2                               
        2011-11         1                               
        2011-10         5

Patches merged into the master branch

 Date       Committer        Change# Description
 2012-04-16 Michael Meffie    (5744) auth: local realms configuration
 2012-04-16 Simon Wilkinson   (7206) rx: Remove surplus call to FindPeer
 2012-04-16 Andrew Deason     (6986) rx: dec rx_nWaiting on clearing RX_CALL_WAIT_PROC
 2012-04-16 Jeffrey Altman    (7218) rx: conn_call_lock leak
 2012-04-16 Michael Meffie    (6875) auth: get local cell internal function
 2012-04-16 Jason Edgecombe   (7202) TESTS: Add the libwrap script to "make check" to handle library paths
 2012-04-15 Jeffrey Altman    (7210) Windows: pioctl use GetFileAttributes
 2012-04-15 Jeffrey Altman    (7209) Windows: _._AFS_IOCTL_._ hidden and system
 2012-04-15 Jeffrey Altman    (7208) Windows: Remove PurgeContent param AFSVerifyEntry
 2012-04-15 Jeffrey Altman    (7207) Windows: Flush data and then drop locks
 2012-04-14 Michael Meffie    (7204) Build: error if solariscc is not found
 2012-04-14 Michael Meffie    (7203) Build: check for gencat
 2012-04-14 Simon Wilkinson   (7195) rx: Rework code which pulls packet from recv queue
 2012-04-14 Simon Wilkinson   (7194) rx: Tidy up currentPacket handling
 2012-04-13 Derrick Brashear  (7201) aklog: heimdal kvno is unsigned
 2012-04-12 Simon Wilkinson   (5815) Remove redundant header includes
 2012-04-12 Jeffrey Altman    (7143) Windows: Refactor AFSValidateEntry
 2012-04-12 Michael Meffie    (6980) volscan: index offset output column
 2012-04-12 Michael Meffie    (6979) volscan: option to ignore dir vnode magic
 2012-04-11 Jeffrey Altman    (7189) Windows: missing brace in RDR_CleanupFileEntry
 2012-04-11 Andrew Deason     (6946) salvager: Trust inode-based special data over OGM
 2012-04-11 Andrew Deason     (6945) namei: Abstract out OGM functions a bit more
 2012-04-11 Derrick Brashear  (6714) libafs: dont handle outstatus on write error
 2012-04-11 Michael Meffie    (6847) Build: link libaudit before util
 2012-04-11 Michael Meffie    (6861) viced: fix log message for MapName_r
 2012-04-11 Michael Meffie    (7187) doc: distributed files are under dest
 2012-04-11 Jeffrey Altman    (7186) Windows: Do not delete in CleanupFile if error
 2012-04-11 Simon Wilkinson   (7137) afsd: Move to newer cmd syntax
 2012-04-10 Michael Meffie    (7138) libafs: log error code when marking server down
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7131) Rework the ugen_* interface
 2012-04-10 Marc Dionne       (6675) viced: Make Update_TargetVnodeStatus usable by replication code
 2012-04-10 Marc Dionne       (6673) viced: Make GetVolumePackageWithCall usable by replication code
 2012-04-10 Marc Dionne       (6672) vol: Allow VAllocVnode of specific vnodes
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7067) rxkad: Move conversion functions to own file
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7068) rxkad: Remove DES include from header file
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7172) Windows: AFSValidateProcessEntry, ullProcessId 64-bit
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7139) roken: Add rk_getprogname to Windows mapfile
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7070) shlibafsauthent: Add a load more objects
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7069) opr: Install the queue.h header
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7148) Windows: report error on panic
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7147) Windows: correct afsredir log entries
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7136) Generalise the new background daemon code
 2012-04-10 Andrew Deason     (7140) vos: Do not try to remove backup volume id 0
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7145) Import of code from heimdal
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7144) Import the expand_path.c file from Heimdal
 2012-04-10 Marc Dionne       (7142) tests: remove unused variable in tests/util/ktime-t.c
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7004) rx: Remove the unused packet skew code
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7006) rx: Remove packet burst elements from peer struct
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7003) rx: Hide internal packet functions
 2012-04-10 Simon Wilkinson   (7002) rx: Hide struct rx_peer from the rest of the tree
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7132) Move configuration parsing into libcmd
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7011) rxperf: Build again
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7010) roken: Prefix getopt and getprogname
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7009) all needs to be first rule in the Makefile
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7066) bos: Change to using char casts for ka functions
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7065) shlibafsrpc: Add additional XDR functions
 2012-04-09 Jeffrey Altman    (7130) rx: remove peer burst elements from rx/test
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (6999) rx: rxi_AckAll isn't an event handler
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (6998) rx: Tidy up function scope in rx.c
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7001) rx: Remove trailing else from RX_KERNEL_TRACE
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7129) kas: Don't require config for help
 2012-04-09 Marc Dionne       (7123) tools: return error code in xfclose
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7000) rx: Remove unused ACKHACK macro
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7128) tests: waitpid requires sys/wait.h
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7127) tests: rx needs roken
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7107) cmd: Don't leak memory when constructing help string
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7106) ktime: Don't leak token list
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7105) budb: Don't leak memory
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7104) vol-dump: Don't leak memory
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7103) vol-dump: Make static things static
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7102) auth: Don't leak key on file parse error
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7101) opr: Flag assertion error handles as noreturn
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7100) pts: Don't malloc(0) when there's nothing to do
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7099) bucoord: Don't malloc(0) if there's no work to do
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7098) auth: Handle empty lists of keys
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7097) Unix CM: We're disconnected if RW disconnected too
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7096) auth: Make sure we get AF_INET addresses from DNS
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7095) vos: Initialise total counters
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7094) vol: Don't return an uninited val from LookupNode
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7093) fs: Fix bad frees
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7092) cmd: Use strl* rather than strn* to avoid overrun
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7091) autoconf: One CC to rule them all
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7090) afs: Handle reading past the end of a file
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7089) xdr: Len can never be negative
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7088) rx: Remove needless braces
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7087) rx: Handle negative returns on packet reads
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7086) venus: Make clang happy with strlcpy use
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7085) viced: Remove pointless braces
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7084) vlserver: unsigned values are always >0
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7083) vol: Call memset with the correct size
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7005) rxgen: Tidy up server side freeing
 2012-04-09 Simon Wilkinson   (7125) fileserver: Fix NeverAttach support
 2012-04-08 Jason Edgecombe   (7126) DOC: Factored common text out of the vos_backup and vos_dump man pages
 2012-04-08 Simon Wilkinson   (7078) pam: Use &, not && for bitwise operations
 2012-04-08 Simon Wilkinson   (7079) pam: Don't check if unsigned is < 0
 2012-04-08 Simon Wilkinson   (7080) ptserver: Remove redundant braces
 2012-04-08 Simon Wilkinson   (7081) vice & vol: Cast FDH_SYNC results to void
 2012-04-08 Simon Wilkinson   (7082) vol: Remove unneeded braces
 2012-04-08 Simon Wilkinson   (7118) tools: Use native 64 bit integer
 2012-04-08 Derrick Brashear  (7116) ubik: utst needs opr for assert in util
 2012-04-07 Jason Edgecombe   (7108) Fileserver: Add the /vicepXX/NeverAttach flag to skip mounting a partition
 2012-04-07 Simon Wilkinson   (7072) util: LogCommandLine has to have a command line
 2012-04-07 Jeffrey Altman    (7111) Windows: Disk Full errors instead of Quota Exceeded
 2012-04-07 Simon Wilkinson   (7117) tools: Add roken.h to afsdump
 2012-04-07 Simon Wilkinson   (7115) tools: Rename u_int64 to solve AIX problem
 2012-04-07 Jeffrey Altman    (7109) Windows: AFSCheckCellName one level of indirection
 2012-04-07 Simon Wilkinson   (7077) libafscp: Use strdup, rather than rolling our own
 2012-04-07 Simon Wilkinson   (7076) libadmin: Clear structures according to their size.
 2012-04-07 Simon Wilkinson   (7075) libadmin: read returns an ssize_t, not a size_t
 2012-04-07 Simon Wilkinson   (7074) Unix CM: Purge needless brackets
 2012-04-07 Simon Wilkinson   (7073) DARWIN: Make crfree() an inline function
 2012-04-07 Simon Wilkinson   (7071) Salvager: Don't use garbage vnodes when Testing
 2012-04-07 Derrick Brashear  (7043) tools: move useful tools from test dir to tools dir
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7021) Windows: Name Array store mount point and volume root
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7016) Windows: do not call time() in a loop
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7049) Windows: CleanACLEnt requires cm_scache write locked
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (6996) Windows: Add per object per user EACCES caching
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7018) Windows: Fail recursive path evaluation with access denied
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7057) Windows: Check Avail Space on extending SetEndOfFile
 2012-04-06 Andrew Deason     (7054) viced: Do not offline volume on successful IH_DEC
 2012-04-05 Jeffrey Altman    (7052) Windows: Redirector must query volume size when asked
 2012-04-05 Jeffrey Altman    (7051) Windows: cm_AddACLCache lock ordering
 2012-04-05 Jeffrey Altman    (7050) rx: fix bad merge 95c38dff3740d7e24971ceb5875c06e7abfce102
 2012-04-05 Jeffrey Altman    (7048) Windows: AFSVerifyEntry purge file data on DV change
 2012-04-04 Andrew Deason     (7047) xstat_cm_test: Print all call info stats
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7012) Windows: Redirector Dir Enumeration Bug
 2012-04-03 Simon Wilkinson   (6997) rx: Get rid of some uneccessary temporary vars
 2012-04-03 Derrick Brashear  (6991) linux: make mockbuild more reliable
 2012-04-03 Derrick Brashear  (6985) linux: update spec requirements
 2012-04-03 Andrew Deason     (7042) SOLARIS: Correct misplaced osi_machdep.h #endif
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7037) Windows: cm_GetNewSCache must return NULL on failure
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7022) viced: AFSDisk, AFSFetchVolumeStatus Int31 PartSize
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6543) Rx: give grow mtu its own call ref count type
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6629) rx: conn->callNumber protected by conn_call_lock
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6443) Rx: rxi_FreeCall conn_call_lock vs call->lock deadlock
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7020) Windows: Pass name array to AFSRetrieveFileInformation
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7017) Windows: Use hash when comparing File IDs in redirector
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7007) Windows: optimize InitCallback3 processing
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6993) Windows: add parent FID to cm_GetSCache
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6995) Windows: Record callback issued time
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7008) Windows: Freelance HaveAccessRights
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6994) Windows: Implement cm_TGTLifeTime()
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7015) Windows FindACLCache must hold scp write locked
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7014) Windows: fix indentation
 2012-04-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6943) rx: handle clock reversals for call timeouts
 2012-04-01 Simon Wilkinson   (6992) viced: Do error translation for InlineBulkStatus
 2012-03-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6988) Windows: avoid deadlock with Trend Micro
 2012-03-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6987) Windows: Use ulFilter in AFSInvalidateObject
 2012-03-28 Jeffrey Altman    (6970) Windows: ObjectInformation.ObjectReferenceCount comparison
 2012-03-28 Jeffrey Altman    (6973) Windows: Add Name Array Processing Trace Subsystem
 2012-03-28 Jeffrey Altman    (6962) Windows: AFSInvalidateObject can overwrite input param
 2012-03-28 Jeffrey Altman    (6959) windows: ObjectInformationCB.ObjectReferenceCount
 2012-03-28 Michael Meffie    (6963) remove athena env conditionals
 2012-03-27 Jeffrey Altman    (6969) Windows: Fix VNOSERVICE EventLog parameters
 2012-03-27 Jeffrey Altman    (6967) Windows: CreateProcessNotify verify changes
 2012-03-27 Derrick Brashear  (6971) macos: iterate mdfound packagemakers when spaces are present
 2012-03-27 Derrick Brashear  (6966) macos: find packagemaker instead of assuming path
 2012-03-26 Andrew Deason     (6937) afs: Set DWriting when truncating a dcache entry
 2012-03-26 Andrew Deason     (6936) afs: Slight adjustments in afs_GetDCache
 2012-03-26 Andrew Deason     (6882) afs: Do not limit fetches based on vcache length
 2012-03-26 Andrew Deason     (6881) afs: Log a message on invalid FetchStatus receipt
 2012-03-26 Andrew Deason     (6880) afs: Sanity-check some AFSFetchStatus structures
 2012-03-26 Chas Williams - CONTRACTOR (6923) Finish removing sunos 4.x references and build cruft
 2012-03-26 Andrew Deason     (6871) viced: Do not ignore all InlineBulkStatus errors
 2012-03-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6927) Windows: Assign AuthGroup during Process Create
 2012-03-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6926) Windows: Refactor AFSProcessSupport
 2012-03-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6951) doc: correct implicit ACL permissions volume owner
 2012-03-24 Jeffrey Altman    (6950) softsig: not used on windows
 2012-03-24 Simon Wilkinson   (6949) tests: Add opr to the command test libraries
 2012-03-24 Simon Wilkinson   (6948) libafsrpc: Export connection accessor fuctions
 2012-03-23 Chas Williams - CONTRACTOR (6925) opr: should be built as shared
 2012-03-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6938) Windows: Client handling of VNOSERVICE
 2012-03-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6930) Windows: AFSRedir Debug for STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY
 2012-03-22 Marc Dionne       (6931) Linux 3.4: Switch to d_make_root
 2012-03-21 Ken Dreyer        (6903) doc: remove references to AFS's NTP daemon
 2012-03-21 Michael Meffie    (6924) build on solaris 10 again
 2012-03-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6914) Windows: invalidate correct objects during dir verification
 2012-03-15 Derrick Brashear  (6911) osx: deal with more kerberos damage
 2012-03-15 Andrew Deason     (6888) afs: Never #define away afsd_dynamic_vcaches
 2012-03-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6904) rx: hold call->lock across RXS_PreparePacket
 2012-03-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6893) Windows: Drop resource across AFSCleanupFcb
 2012-03-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6886) Windows: Wait for memory allocation if necessary
 2012-03-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6883) Windows: Correct Data Version change synchronization
 2012-03-12 Paul Smeddle      (6894) Make volscan's column delimiter option work
 2012-03-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6884) viced: fix inverted lockCount assignment
 2012-03-08 Jonathan Billings (6887) redhat: Don't replace modified configuration files during rpm update
 2012-03-07 Chas Williams - CONTRACTOR (6874) rxgen: fix to use rx accessor routines
 2012-03-04 Michael Meffie    (6860) viced: fix -realm option arg parse
 2012-03-04 Michael Meffie    (6845) viced: fix log message in hpr initialize
 2012-03-04 Derrick Brashear  (6868) macos: don't crash on krb5 damage
 2012-03-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6859) Windows: add __try..__except
 2012-03-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6858) Windows: fix indentation
 2012-03-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6856) Windows: Avoid deadlock in invalidation path
 2012-03-03 Dave Botsch       (6851) Fixes dkms.conf for Redhat Enterprise
 2012-03-02 Jeffrey Altman    (6852) unix: always retry RX_CALL_BUSY
 2012-03-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6846) Windows: Workaround Win7 SMB Reconnect Bug
 2012-03-01 Andrew Deason     (2368) viced: Ignore client loopback alternate addresses
 2012-02-27 Andrew Deason     (6787) salvager: Do not fork for single VG salvage
 2012-02-24 Jeffrey Altman    (6792) Windows: Fix an ExtentResource trace message
 2012-02-24 Jeffrey Altman    (6791) Windows: cm_UpdateCell never applies to Freelance mode
 2012-02-24 Jeffrey Altman    (6782) Windows: Redirector opens must set a valid FsContext
 2012-02-24 Jeffrey Altman    (6781) Windows: remove AFSOpenRedirector from AFSRedirLib
 2012-02-24 Jeffrey Altman    (6780) Windows: do not bugcheck in AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag
 2012-02-24 Jeffrey Altman    (6779) Windows: Revert "AFSRedir DebugFlags Turn on BugCheck"
 2012-02-24 Andrew Deason     (6790) Rewrite in shell script
 2012-02-24 Andrew Deason     (6786) salvager: Remove VolumeSummary->fileName
 2012-02-24 Andrew Deason     (6785) salvager: Remove PrintVolumeSummary
 2012-02-24 Andrew Deason     (6784) salvager: Do not require MaybeZapVolume fileName
 2012-02-24 Andrew Deason     (6783) salvager: Do not set fileName on header fixup
 2012-02-23 Andrew Deason     (6776) LINUX: Use afs_convert_code in afs_notify_change
 2012-02-23 Andrew Deason     (6775) LINUX: move afs_notify_change to osi_vnodeops.c
 2012-02-22 Derrick Brashear  (6749) libafs: retry retriable RPCs instead of abandoning
 2012-02-22 Derrick Brashear  (6706) libafs: ensure one nat ping connection per srvAddr
 2012-02-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6747) Windows: invalidate data version on link creation
 2012-02-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6744) Windows: AFSPerformObjectInvalidate hold ExtentsResource shared
 2012-02-21 Jeffrey Altman    (6741) Windows: fsLockCount not accurate
 2012-02-21 Jeffrey Altman    (6740) viced: lockcount only valid if not expired
 2012-02-21 Marc Dionne       (6743) volser: Remove unused variable
 2012-02-20 Andrew Deason     (6733) viced: Relax "h_TossStuff_r failed" warnings
 2012-02-20 Andrew Deason     (6729) viced: Remove extraneous h_AHTAHT_r in h_GetHost_r
 2012-02-20 Andrew Deason     (6728) viced: Set h_GetHost_r probefail if MPAA_r fails
 2012-02-20 Andrew Deason     (6727) viced: Correctly update addrs on alt addr probe
 2012-02-20 Andrew Deason     (6726) viced: Delete dup host before probing old host
 2012-02-20 Derrick Brashear  (6254) vos: allow releases without offline time
 2012-02-20 Derrick Brashear  (6253) vos: refactor code
 2012-02-20 Andrew Deason     (6707) Rx: Avoid lastBusy/PEER_BUSY discrepancy
 2012-02-20 Derrick Brashear  (6251) vol: allow clones of readonly volumes
 2012-02-20 Derrick Brashear  (6250) volser: allow clonevol purge id to be new id
 2012-02-20 Derrick Brashear  (6249) volser: allow cloning non-rw volumes
 2012-02-19 Jeffrey Altman    (6737) Windows: Dereg Lanman and Lsa reg values for afsredir
 2012-02-18 Ken Dreyer        (6697) doc: replace hostnames with IETF example hostnames
 2012-02-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6734) Windows: Explorer Shell Set Unix Mode bits
 2012-02-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6725) Windows: remove unnecessary DirectoryEnumEvent
 2012-02-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6724) Windows: VolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock Deadlock
 2012-02-16 Michael Meffie    (6722) volinfo: initialize vnode details
 2012-02-16 Derrick Brashear  (6713) libafs: kill rxevent daemon even in upcall mode
 2012-02-16 Ken Dreyer        (6721) doc: refer to aklog instead of klog
 2012-02-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6715) Windows: disable afsdhook.dll reload by daemon
 2012-02-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6712) Windows: remove install9x rules
 2012-02-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6711) Windows: remove AFS_WIN95_ENV
 2012-02-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6710) Windows: add KTC_TOKEN_MUTEX_FAIL error code
 2012-02-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6708) Windows: avoid GetComputerNameW call for all ioctl
 2012-02-14 Andrew Deason     (6709) RedHat: Fail openafs-client 'stop' on rmmod error
 2012-02-12 Ken Dreyer        (6691) doc: add section on direct volume access
 2012-02-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6703) doc: fix AdminGuide
 2012-02-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6699) Windows: default cell
 2012-02-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6698) Windows: reset version to 0.0.0 on master
 2012-02-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6696) Windows: AFSRemoveFcb() cannot race
 2012-02-10 Jeffrey Altman    (6692) Windows: Perform rename to self check earlier
 2012-02-08 Andrew Deason     (6389) viced: Keep H_LOCK while locking host in h_Alloc_r
 2012-02-08 Jonathan A. Kollasch (6689) libafsauthent, tvolser: fix objdir build
 2012-02-08 Marc Dionne       (6674) viced: Allow null host for BreakCallBack
 2012-02-07 Jeffrey Altman    (6685) Windows: Release Notes corrections
 2012-02-07 Jeffrey Altman    (6668) Windows: OpenAFS reparse points are surrogates
 2012-02-07 Marc Dionne       (6676) RW Replication: Add basic definitions
 2012-02-07 Andrew Deason     (6671) Disable kernel opt by default on Solaris 10 and 11
 2012-02-07 Marc Dionne       (5551) vol: remove OPENAFS_VOL_STATS
 2012-02-07 Andrew Deason     (6670) Rx: Add missing rx_packet.h includes
 2012-02-07 Andrew Deason     (6669) SOLARIS: Use kcred instead of afs_osi_cred
 2012-02-06 Jeffrey Altman    (6661) Windows: Avoid race during PIOCtl DirNode allocation
 2012-02-06 Jeffrey Altman    (6660) Windows: Hold Fcb references prior to service call
 2012-02-05 Jeffrey Altman    (6664) Windows: Do not build NSIS by default
 2012-02-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6651) Windows: add buf_InvalidateBuffers
 2012-02-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6650) Windows: fix cm_DirOpDelBuffer assert
 2012-02-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6649) Windows: buffer DV ranges do not work for directories
 2012-02-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6648) Windows: update btree debugging code
 2012-02-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6647) Windows: Do not open file if shutdown in progress
 2012-02-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6646) Windows: AFSRedir DebugFlags Turn on BugCheck
 2012-02-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6645) Windows: Improve AFSNotifyDelete
 2012-02-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6644) Windows: do not lower case direct volume references
 2012-02-01 Tom Keiser        (6638) com_err: correctly deal with lack of libintl
 2012-02-01 Christof Hanke    (6628) linux: fix probing for noop_fsync
 2012-01-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6632) man-pages: add fs_getverify and fs_setverify
 2012-01-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6630) Windows: do not panic if afsredir not ready during shutdown
 2012-01-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6627) Windows: Increase size of worker thread pools
 2012-01-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6626) Windows: Run Workers until empty task queue
 2012-01-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6624) Windows: Release Notes for 1.7.5
 2012-01-27 Jeffrey Altman    (6618) Windows: DriveSubstitution handle too small buffer
 2012-01-27 Jeffrey Altman    (6617) Windows: Invalidate all volumes at library init
 2012-01-27 Jeffrey Altman    (6616) Windows: Refactor and consolidate afsredir invalidation
 2012-01-27 Jeffrey Altman    (6595) Windows: Stop the thundering herd
 2012-01-24 Marc Dionne       (6615) vlserver: Consolidate VLDB entry server flag definitions
 2012-01-23 Simon Wilkinson   (5816) viced: Remove the LWP fileserver
 2012-01-23 Andrew Deason     (6548) vol: remove SYNC fatal_error processing
 2012-01-23 Derrick Brashear  (6546) libafs: add replicated connection pool
 2012-01-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6601) Windows: store data verification mode
 2012-01-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6559) Windows: make lock reader history debug only
 2012-01-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6600) Windows: VIOC_GETUNIXMODE = smb_IoctlGetUnixMode
 2012-01-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6599) Windows: fix fs setcrypt help message
 2012-01-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6598) Windows; release BIOD after status merge
 2012-01-23 Derrick Brashear  (6515) viced: disable rx keepalives during disk io
 2012-01-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6603) Revert "Windows: disable memory extent interface"
 2012-01-22 Marc Dionne       (5550) viced: remove FS_STATS_DETAILED
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6563) Windows: failover and retry for VBUSY
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6118) Windows: improved idle dead time handling
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6128) rx: RX_CALL_IDLE and RX_CALL_BUSY
 2012-01-20 Peter Scott       (6573) Windows Asynchronous purging of file content after a DV change
 2012-01-19 Jeffrey Altman    (6576) Windows: cm_buf refcnt must hold buf_globalLock
 2012-01-19 Jeffrey Altman    (6575) Windows: Redesign daemon thread queue management
 2012-01-19 Jeffrey Altman    (6562) Windows: prevent race assigning Fcb in AFSInitFcb()
 2012-01-19 Jeffrey Altman    (6556) Windows: cm_EndCallbackGrantingCall refactoring
 2012-01-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6558) Windows: deadlock bet. DirEntry lock + DirectoryNodeHdr.TreeLock
 2012-01-18 Peter Scott       (6571) Windows: Correctly mark extents dirty when using the non-persistent AFS cache
 2012-01-18 Peter Scott       (6528) Windows: Performing async work after cache invalidation
 2012-01-18 Marc Dionne       (6568) Parallel build fixes
 2012-01-18 Marc Dionne       (6567) Linux 3.3: use umode_t for mkdir and create inode ops
 2012-01-18 Marc Dionne       (6566) Linux: use standard macro for set_nlink configure test
 2012-01-18 Derrick Brashear  (6565) volinfo: fix formating of placeholder printfs
 2012-01-18 Marc Dionne       (6564) rx: Correctly test for end of call queue
 2012-01-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6557) Windows: disable memory extent interface
 2012-01-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6555) Windows: restrict service to 2 cpus by default
 2012-01-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6554) Windows: AFS_SERVER_FLUSH_DELAY AFS_SERVER_PURGE_DELAY
 2012-01-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6553) Windows: AFSParseName edge cases
 2012-01-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6552) Windows: afs root is always a directory
 2012-01-17 Ken Dreyer        (6561) fix spelling in comments
 2012-01-11 Andrew Deason     (6530) DAFS: Fix SYNC_FAILED VScheduleSalvage_r log
 2012-01-11 Andrew Deason     (6529) vol: Fix VCreateVolume special inode cleanup
 2012-01-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6498) Windows: dir buffers out of date - mark them as such
 2012-01-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6514) Windows: Avoid file server rpcs on deleted files
 2012-01-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6508) Windows: use local var for interlocked result
 2012-01-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6507) Windows: AFSParseMountPointTarget buffer overrun
 2012-01-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6460) Windows: Directory Enumeration, DVs, and TreeLocks
 2012-01-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6506) Windows: correct log messages in AFSCleanup
 2012-01-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6505) Windows: Return Dir Data Version from AFSCleanup
 2012-01-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6504) Windows: reorg open handle counts and Fcb->NPFcb->Resource
 2012-01-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6503) Windows: Permit renames of open files
 2012-01-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6502) Windows: Do not prime the service directory cache
 2012-01-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6501) Windows: More specific error values
 2012-01-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6500) Windows: do not flush dirty extents without permission
 2012-01-09 Marc Dionne       (6519) libuafs: only rebuild h directory when needed
 2012-01-09 Derrick Brashear  (6525) opr: fix generated target
 2012-01-09 Marc Dionne       (6523) opr: add buildtools target
 2012-01-08 Andrew Deason     (6524) Make libjafs buildable again
 2012-01-07 Derrick Brashear  (6510) afs: discard cached state when we are unsure of validity
 2012-01-07 Derrick Brashear  (6516) afs: put back conn if not using in checkserver loop
 2012-01-07 Derrick Brashear  (6517) rx: add and export a public keepalive toggle
 2012-01-06 Chaskiel Grundman (6444) Make src/opr objdir safe
 2012-01-06 Derrick Brashear  (6497) afs: increase idledead time
 2012-01-05 Derrick Brashear  (6509) ukernel: enable nat ping again
 2012-01-05 Marc Dionne       (6513) Use offsetof() in set_header_word to get field offset
 2012-01-05 Simon Wilkinson   (6511) afs: Negate codes using a clear, standard method
 2012-01-05 Marc Dionne       (6512) vol: initialize readmeinode
 2012-01-03 Michael Meffie    (6330) Unix CM: reset blacklist on hard-mount retry
 2012-01-03 Andrew Deason     (6385) DAFS: Atomically re-hash vnode in VGetFreeVnode_r
 2012-01-03 Andrew Deason     (6431) afs: Grab a reference to setp in afs_icl_Event4
 2012-01-03 Geoffrey Thomas   (6491) linux: fsync on a directory should return 0, not EINVAL
 2012-01-03 Geoffrey Thomas   (6247) rpm: Don't attempt to restart on upgrade when using systemd
 2012-01-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6446) Windows: STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID == invalid parent directory
 2012-01-01 Peter Scott       (6447) Windows: Support correct status codes from service
 2012-01-01 Peter Scott       (6445) Windows: Handle invalid node types
 2012-01-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6459) Windows: AFSFileUpdateResultCB ParentDataVersion
 2012-01-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6457) Windows: renames that overwrite existing target
 2012-01-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6455) Windows: AFSDirEnumResp and AFSDirEnumEntry changes
 2012-01-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6454) Windows: Add AFSFileEvalResultCB
 2012-01-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6453) Windows: Add AFSFileCleanupResultCB
 2012-01-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6432) Windows: RequestExtents avoid bufWrite if rdr held
 2012-01-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6433) Windows: Request extents readability
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6462) Windows: avoid race during Fcb cleanup
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6461) Windows: avoid deadlock if bulk error during enum
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6458) Windows: AFSInsertHashEntry can fail
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6456) Windows: additional AFSValidateEntry logging
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6452) Windows: add DV and error status to dir enumerations
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6451) Windows: protect merge status against dscp == scp
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6450) Windows: protect dir ops by CM_SCACHESYNC_STOREDATA
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6449) Windows: init scache DV=CM_SCACHE_VERSION_BAD
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6442) Windows: afsredirlib log messages
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6441) Windows: Symlink resolve failure error
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6440) Windows: Make idle dead timeout very long
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6439) Windows: replace strdup with xdr_alloc in callback processing
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6438) windows: osi_TSignalForMLs simplify
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6437) Windows: osisleep do not tamper with queues
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6436) Windows: osi_sleepInfo tid type
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6435) Windows: add osi_TWaitExt(), fix osi_TWait()
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6434) Windows: use waiters counter instead of osi_TEmpty
 2011-12-31 Jeffrey Altman    (6430) Windows: kauth search for kerberos iv port first
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6410) klog.krb5: cast get_cred_keylen to unsigned
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6413) afs: Panic on afs_conn refcount imbalance
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6419) afs: Add afs_WriteDCache sanity checks
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6418) afs: Cope with afs_GetValidDSlot errors
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6417) afs: Do not always ignore errors in afs_GetDSlot
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6416) afs: Remove second argument to afs_GetDSlot
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6412) afs: Indicate error from afs_osi_Read/Write better
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6411) afs: afs_osi_Read/Write returns negative on error
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6422) fuse: Autodetect Solaris 11 FUSE
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6421) afsd.fuse: Solaris 11 support
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6400) afsd: Parse cacheinfo during argument parsing
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6390) fuse: Add -oallow_other by default where possible
 2011-12-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6424) Windows: avoid race in cm_GetNewSCache
 2011-12-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6423) Windows: cm_BufWrite() must wait in cm_SyncOp()
 2011-12-25 Peter Scott       (6420) Windows: Avoid bottleneck on VolumeLock
 2011-12-25 Simon Wilkinson   (6425) rx: Don't adjust non-existent events
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6399) Windows: AFSCleanup extent processing
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6398) Windows: AFSRetrieveValidAuthGroup FILE_READ_DATA
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6397) Windows: AFSRequestExtentsAsync retry with alt authgroup
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6396) Windows: Use AuthGroups for extent request error reporting
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6395) Windows: Explicit permission check on extent release
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6394) Windows: RDR_CleanupFileEntry restrict extent claw back
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6393) Windows: remove unused AFSRequestExtents()
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6392) Windows: Bad DV invalidate only when new DV not 0
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6391) Windows: Define times in terms of AFS_ONE_SECOND
 2011-12-20 Andrew Deason     (6387) Include afsconfig.h before anything else
 2011-12-19 Jeffrey Altman    (6377) Windows: avoid deadlock during SetRenameInformation
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6375) Windows: terminate HOSTS/LMHOSTS with newline
 2011-12-18 Peter Scott       (6333) Windows: Track AuthGroup in Context Control Block
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6365) Windows: Tear down extents upon file deletion
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6364) Windows: notify file size change if flushed
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6363) Windows: forget data version only for flushing
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6362) Windows: fix indentation
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6361) Windows: AFSSetRenameInfo log message
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6360) Windows: return error to system paging requests
 2011-12-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6352) Windows: log volume and authgroup for redir open
 2011-12-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6359) Windows: save fid/type for redirector invalidation
 2011-12-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6351) Windows: move to head of queue no-op if not in queue
 2011-12-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6350) Windows: Properly convert FID structures
 2011-12-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6344) Windows: propagate directory enumeration failures
 2011-12-17 Peter Scott       (6343) Windows Problem with cross-directory rename
 2011-12-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6337) vol: fix a08c3207255756c825ab69a19e04f79dd879c646
 2011-12-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6332) Windows: Update Adv Firewall Rules
 2011-12-16 Andrew Deason     (6335) afs: Clear VHardMount on ResetVolumeInfo
 2011-12-16 Andrew Deason     (6334) viced: Yell when we GetSomeSpace_r
 2011-12-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6339) Revert "Windows: cs_CZ localization"
 2011-12-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6227) Windows: cs_CZ localization
 2011-12-15 Michael Meffie    (5102) volscan: print vnode metadata information
 2011-12-14 Michael Meffie    (5532) bozo: preserve all options over restart
 2011-12-14 Michael Meffie    (5534) bozo: retry start after error stops
 2011-12-14 Andrew Deason     (3892) volser: Do not reset copyDate in ReClone
 2011-12-14 Garrett Wollman   (5121) util: simplify thread-name interface
 2011-12-14 Jonathan A. Kollasch (5595) build tsalvaged, tvolser, and dvolser targets on *nbsd*
 2011-12-14 Simon Wilkinson   (6116) Unix CM: Log reason for marking server up or down
 2011-12-14 Jeffrey Altman    (6248) Windows: AFSRDFSProvider stack overrun
 2011-12-14 Derrick Brashear  (6252) vos: fix code to not triple-negate
 2011-12-14 Michael Meffie    (5101) volinfo: implement -checkout option
 2011-12-14 Michael Meffie    (6108) vol: log error reason on header read failure
 2011-12-14 Derrick Brashear  (6256) libafs: disable mtu discovery
 2011-12-14 Derrick Brashear  (6255) libafs: only do pings for default conn with root uid
 2011-12-10 Jeffrey Altman    (6244) Windows: memory leak when setting tokens via smb
 2011-12-10 Jeffrey Altman    (6243) Windows: Suspend/Resume for afsd_service
 2011-12-09 Karl Ramm         (6223) Print "waiting for job termination" at most once.
 2011-12-08 Jeffrey Altman    (6237) Windows: increase timeout for extent request retries
 2011-12-08 Jeffrey Altman    (6236) Windows: include owner/group in Security DACL
 2011-12-05 Jeffrey Altman    (6230) afs: prevent nat pings on destroyed connections
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6222) Windows: Release Notes Updates
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6219) rx: Make CALL_RELE and CALL_HOLD lock refcnt mutex
 2011-12-04 Benjamin Kaduk    (6203) FBSD: switch afsi_SetServerIPRank implementation
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6218) rx: Helper function for decrementing conn refcnt
 2011-12-04 Simon Wilkinson   (6182) rx: Hide the rx_packet.h
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6209) Windows: define MIN and MAX
 2011-12-04 Simon Wilkinson   (6181) rx: Make the rx_call structure private
 2011-12-04 Simon Wilkinson   (6180) rx: Make struct rx_connection private
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6208) Windows: apply Nat Pings only to cm_rootUser connections
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6207) Windows: track cm_rootUser connections
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6205) rx: rx_conn/rx_peer refCount signed
 2011-12-03 Simon Wilkinson   (6206) rx: Some kernels have no reschedule function
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6195) Windows: npdll connected query returns no usage
 2011-12-03 Simon Wilkinson   (6196) Windows: Use roken's min and max
 2011-12-03 Edward Z. Yang    (6093) Add OpenAFS to the dependencies of remote-fs.
 2011-12-03 Benjamin Kaduk    (6193) Remove dead code from rxi_FindIfnet()
 2011-12-03 Simon Wilkinson   (6091) rx: Refactor MaxMTU error checking
 2011-12-03 Andrew Deason     (6179) salvager: Create link table with volume group id
 2011-12-03 Andrew Deason     (6168) DAFS: Ensure logging on attach2 errors
 2011-12-03 Andrew Deason     (6167) DAFS: Avoid unnecessary preattach on FSYNC_VOL_ON
 2011-12-03 Andrew Deason     (6166) DAFS: Log more for VPreAttachVolumeByVp odd states
 2011-12-03 Andrew Deason     (6165) DAFS: Ensure GetVolume errors on ERROR volumes
 2011-12-03 Andrew Deason     (6164) DAFS: Do not transition to ERROR on trivial errors
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6183) Windows: GetInfoTip really set return to NULL
 2011-12-02 Jeffrey Altman    (6178) Windows: memset in RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync
 2011-12-02 Jeffrey Altman    (6177) Windows: cm_MergeStatus redirector invalidation
 2011-12-02 Jeffrey Altman    (6176) Windows: cm_MergeStatus use new DV to purge buffers
 2011-12-02 Jeffrey Altman    (6175) Windows: use interlocked increment on cm_buf_t refcnt
 2011-12-02 Jeffrey Altman    (6174) Windows: buf_GetNewLocked should use cleaned cm_buf
 2011-12-02 Jeffrey Altman    (6173) Windows: fix buf_Recycle() comment
 2011-12-02 Jeffrey Altman    (6172) Windows: buf_CleanAsync is not async; rename it
 2011-12-02 Jeffrey Altman    (6171) Windows: convert buf_IncrSyncer to pthreads
 2011-12-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6159) Windows: invalidate rdr for CM_SCACHE_VERSION_BAD
 2011-12-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6158) Windows: do not set CM_SCACHEFLAG_EACCES twice
 2011-12-01 Derrick Brashear  (6163) afsd.fuse: link libopr
 2011-12-01 Andrew Deason     (6162) SOLARIS: Define BSD_COMP for non-UKERNEL on 5.11
 2011-12-01 Derrick Brashear  (6157) remove CopyOnWrite2 and unused vars
 2011-11-30 Derrick Brashear  (6135) viced: disable accelerated copyonwrite
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6132) Windows: Wix disable integrated logon by default
 2011-11-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6142) Windows: AFSRDFSProvider log to file
 2011-11-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6141) Windows: NPEnumResources no Printer support
 2011-11-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6140) Windows: NPGetConnectionCommon buffer too small
 2011-11-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6139) Windows: no drive subst for NPCancelConnection
 2011-11-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6138) Windows: refactor NPCancelConnection
 2011-11-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6137) Windows: Mount Point and Symlink Overlay Icons
 2011-11-29 Simon Wilkinson   (5841) rx: Use a red black tree for the event stack
 2011-11-29 Simon Wilkinson   (5842) Unix CM: Build rbtrees in kernel
 2011-11-29 Andrew Deason     (6136) udebug: Fix endianness when fudging lastYesHost
 2011-11-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6134) Windows: FSync not CleanVnode during Cleanup
 2011-11-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6133) Windows: Wix cell names can be greater than 120 chars
 2011-11-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6131) Windows: cache format version change
 2011-11-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6130) Windows: osi_mutex / osi_rwlock changes
 2011-11-28 Jeffrey Altman    (6119) Windows: convert daemons threads to pthreads
 2011-11-28 Benjamin Kaduk    (6127) FBSD: cleanup dvp locking for ISDOTDOT
 2011-11-28 Derrick Brashear  (6126) namei: force-close fd on read or write error
 2011-11-27 Edward Z. Yang    (6120) Linux: 3: Update specfile to know about 3.* kernels.
 2011-11-25 Simon Wilkinson   (6117) Unix CM: Fix PutVolume in afs_BlackListOnce
 2011-11-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6110) Windows: add trace logging to Pioctl File Info Query
 2011-11-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6109) Windows: _._AFS_IOCTL_._ size is zero
 2011-11-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6105) Windows: RDR_InvalidateObject do not hold locks
 2011-11-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6103) Windows: cm_GetSCache do not release unheld lock
 2011-11-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6102) Windows: Use Jenkins' Hash
 2011-11-21 Simon Wilkinson   (6095) opr: Add Bob Jenkins's hash functions
 2011-11-21 Anders Kaseorg    (6096) Linux: 3.2: Use set_nlink to update i_nlink
 2011-11-19 Andrew Deason     (6051) afs: Leave cellnum alone for explicit mtpt cell
 2011-11-18 Derrick Brashear  (5843) namei: tweak getlinkbyte error handling
 2011-11-18 Michael Meffie    (5743) auth: avoid excessive stat of cellservdb
 2011-11-18 Michael Meffie    (5803) vol: rate-limit volume usage updates
 2011-11-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6075) Windows: RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync unheld lock
 2011-11-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6072) Windows: must obtain and release an actual lock
 2011-11-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6071) Windows: non-release only worker threads can release
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6059) auth: initKeys before first error exit path
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6065) Windows: Do not install IBM AFS HLP files
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6054) Windows: buf_CleanAsyncLocked dirty range only
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6053) Windows: create scache->redirMx to reduce contention
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6058) Windows: Increase default number of daemon threads
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6057) Windows: cm_SetupStoreBIOD use firstModOffset chunk
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6056) Windows: Fairness for background operations
 2011-11-16 Andrew Deason     (6050) vlserver: Avoid atoi for vol ids
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6048) Windows: Create default Security Descriptor
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6046) Windows: interlocked refCount increment in cm_GetSCache
 2011-11-14 Jeffrey Altman    (6016) Windows: netidmgr krb5_cc_get_principal can fail
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6004) Windows: smb_ReceiveNTCreateX create smb_fid earlier
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6003) Windows: cm_GetSCache avoid holding cm_scacheLock
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6002) Windows: avoid null ptr in RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6001) Windows: Track active RPCs per scache_t
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6000) Windows: fix locking hierarchy in service
 2011-11-12 Andrew Deason     (5790) afs: Do not use separate array for srvAddrs
 2011-11-12 Simon Wilkinson   (5840) rx: Turn the rxevent_Cancel macro into a function
 2011-11-12 Simon Wilkinson   (5839) rx: New signature for rx event functions
 2011-11-12 Simon Wilkinson   (5838) opr: Add a red/black tree implementation
 2011-11-12 Simon Wilkinson   (5837) rx: Add a helper function for delayed acks
 2011-11-12 Simon Wilkinson   (5836) opr: Add opr_containerof
 2011-11-11 Jeffrey Altman    (5823) Windows: Enforce Share Access
 2011-11-11 Jeffrey Altman    (5812) Windows: Add Vista/Win7 Firewall Configuration
 2011-11-11 Michael Meffie    (1562) ihandle positional read and write
 2011-11-11 Andrew Deason     (5835) SOLARIS: Do not build x86 kernel module on 5.11
 2011-11-11 Andrew Deason     (5833) namei: Remove extraneous rmdir
 2011-11-11 Andrew Deason     (5832) vol: Remove O_EXCL|O_TRUNC combinations
 2011-11-11 Jeffrey Altman    (5829) Windows: FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT not yet implemented
 2011-11-11 Jeffrey Altman    (5828) Windows: FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT error
 2011-11-11 Jeffrey Altman    (5827) Windows: FSCTL_IS_PATHNAME_VALID return success
 2011-11-10 Jeffrey Altman    (5826) Windows: these fsctl cmds are not implemented
 2011-11-10 Jeffrey Altman    (5825) Windows: Additional trace logging
 2011-11-10 Jeffrey Altman    (5824) Windows: service must set reparse point attribute
 2011-11-10 Peter Scott       (5834) Windows: Correctly increment PIOCtl DE
 2011-11-10 Peter Scott       (5830) Windows: FileNetworkPhysicalNameInfo implementation
 2011-11-10 Jeffrey Altman    (5741) Windows: improve store data parallelism
 2011-11-10 Andrew Deason     (5822) volser: Preserve needsSalvaged during restore
 2011-11-09 Derrick Brashear  (5818) viced: avoid bogus handle in rename
 2011-11-09 Andrew Deason     (5817) regen: Fail on failures
 2011-11-09 Andrew Deason     (4486) Add "pretty" build option
 2011-11-09 Andrew Deason     (5819) Specify pattern rules in addition to suffix rules
 2011-11-09 Andrew Deason     (5801) Add setenv/unsetenv to roken
 2011-11-07 Derrick Brashear  (5814) dafs: avoid null deref getting volume header
 2011-11-05 Andrew Deason     (5800) salvager: Implement AskDAFS via SYNC flags
 2011-11-05 Derrick Brashear  (5813) redhat: make rpms build on pre-f15 again
 2011-11-05 Derrick Brashear  (5807) ukernel: handle pioctl errors properly in ktc
 2011-11-05 Andrew Deason     (5811) libafsauthent: Remove obsolete HP-UX workaround
 2011-11-05 Andrew Deason     (5810) volser: Remove debugging log messages
 2011-11-04 Simon Wilkinson   (5794) Unix CM: Fix dir buffer leak in afs_readdir
 2011-11-04 Andrew Deason     (5808) DAFS: Deal with exclusive-state volume headers
 2011-11-04 Jeffrey Altman    (5806) Windows: NPCancelConnection set correct length
 2011-11-04 Peter Scott       (5805) Windows: Failed to release correct lock
 2011-11-04 Jeffrey Altman    (5804) Windows: do not leak resource in AFSQueryDirectory
 2011-11-04 Jeffrey Altman    (5802) Windows: KFW_AFS should use API: ccache
 2011-11-04 Jeffrey Altman    (5799) Windows: Simplify KFW_AFS_klog
 2011-11-04 Ken Dreyer        (5745) doc: limitations of addsite on different partitions
 2011-11-04 Derrick Brashear  (5593) ukernel: install our sysincludes to root.perf
 2011-11-03 Andrew Deason     (5798) Import of code from heimdal
 2011-11-03 Andrew Deason     (5786) Solaris: Specify ARCHFLAGS in CFLAGS
 2011-11-03 Andrew Deason     (5785) Do OPENAFS_OSCONF before compiler autoconf tests
 2011-11-03 Andrew Deason     (5787) Remove -settime/RXAFS_GetTime client support
 2011-11-03 Michael Meffie    (5742) opr: queue swap
 2011-11-03 Andrew Deason     (5797) external: trigger git commit-msg hooks on import
 2011-11-03 Andrew Deason     (5796) external: commit imports with --no-verify
 2011-11-03 Andrew Deason     (5795) Import setenv.c and unsetenv.c from roken
 2011-11-03 Jeffrey Altman    (5793) Windows: always set reparse point attrib for symlink
 2011-11-03 Jeffrey Altman    (5792) Windows: fix deadlock in symlink Attrib retrieval
 2011-11-03 Jeffrey Altman    (5791) Windows: remember when a reparse point is opened
 2011-11-02 Jeffrey Altman    (5784) Windows: Mount points are always directories
 2011-11-02 Jeffrey Altman    (5783) Windows: add AFSRetrieveParentPath()
 2011-11-02 Peter Scott       (5782) Windows: Retrieve file attributes on symlinks
 2011-11-02 Jeffrey Altman    (5619) klog.krb5: enforce DES for rxkad
 2011-11-02 Jonathan A. Kollasch (5596) kdump-build: don't install when it hasn't been built for *bsd*
 2011-11-01 Peter Scott       (5775) Windows: DE Reference count added during create
 2011-11-01 Peter Scott       (5748) Windows: correct ordering of reparse point tests
 2011-11-01 Jeffrey Altman    (5774) Windows: change AFSProcessUserFsRequest default
 2011-11-01 Peter Scott       (5736) Windows: Directory Entry Processing
 2011-11-01 Jeffrey Altman    (5773) Windows: log FSCTL_CSC_INTERNAL requests
 2011-11-01 Jeffrey Altman    (5772) Windows: add braces to case statements
 2011-11-01 Jeffrey Altman    (5739) Windows: additional trace logging for afsredirlib
 2011-11-01 Jeffrey Altman    (5738) Windows: Reimplement AFSGenerateCRC()
 2011-10-30 Marc Dionne       (5740) Linux: 3.1: update RCU path walking detection in permission i_op
 2011-10-29 Simon Wilkinson   (5737) rx: Remove the ADAPT_WINDOW code
 2011-10-28 Jeffrey Altman    (5735) Windows: cm_Rename break in 9cf7a628c2ff178b2fa236d2c0a41ca9be315036
 2011-10-28 Jeffrey Altman    (5734) Windows: out of date version not in current chunk
 2011-10-27 Edward Z. Yang    (5637) linux: Update Packaging to build OpenAFS services for Fedora's systemd
 2011-10-27 Jeffrey Altman    (5733) Windows: only flush buffers on shutdown if running
 2011-10-26 Jeffrey Altman    (5731) Windows: Do not EEXIST exact match during rename
 2011-10-26 Jeffrey Altman    (5732) opr: build on Windows after queue.h move
 2011-10-25 Simon Wilkinson   (5656) opr: Move queue header out of util
 2011-10-25 Rod Widdowson     (5652) Windows: Look for 8.3 name when doing a rename
 2011-10-25 Peter Scott       (5640) Windows: New Trace for DirEntry tracking problem
 2011-10-25 Jeffrey Altman    (5627) Windows: Free work item memory with tag value
 2011-10-25 Jeffrey Altman    (5626) Windows: free pointer after last reference
 2011-10-25 Jeffrey Altman    (5730) Windows: close leak in AFSPrimaryVolumeWorkerThread
 2011-10-25 Jeffrey Altman    (5625) Windows: AFSInitPIOCtlDirectoryCB free in try_exit
 2011-10-25 Jeffrey Altman    (5727) Windows: afsredir only wants shortName if not 8.3
 2011-10-25 Jeffrey Altman    (5642) Windows: Use SetFlag macro when setting flag
 2011-10-25 Jeffrey Altman    (5641) Windows: minor type in trace output
 2011-10-25 Jeffrey Altman    (5638) Windows: AFSRemoveCaseInsensitiveDirEntry corrections
 2011-10-25 Jeffrey Altman    (5624) Windows: AFSEvaluateTargetByName free buffer if no return
 2011-10-25 Jeffrey Altman    (5623) Windows: remove unused code block
 2011-10-25 Jeffrey Altman    (5621) Windows: re-indent afsredir log message params
 2011-10-25 Rod Widdowson     (5651) Windows:  Defer deref of a directoryEntry
 2011-10-25 Rod Widdowson     (5646) Windows: Set new file index correctly during rename
 2011-10-24 Marc Dionne       (5650) cache bypass: don't define iovecp for UKERNEL
 2011-10-24 Michael Meffie    (5615) DAFS: fssync online requires a partition name argument
 2011-10-24 Jacob Thebault-Spieker (5049) allow cloning of any volume to any volume with same parent ID
 2011-10-24 Michael Meffie    (5555) bozo: build notifier sample program
 2011-10-24 Michael Meffie    (5533) bozo: test program update
 2011-10-24 Andrew Deason     (5319) DAFS: Remove VOL_SALVAGE_INVALIDATE_HEADER
 2011-10-24 Jacob Thebault-Spieker (5046) remove check for disallowing clones of backup or ro volumes
 2011-10-24 Andrew Deason     (5614) viced: Check for HOSTDELETED in stillborn check
 2011-10-24 Andrew Deason     (5594) volser: Remove ExtractVolId
 2011-10-24 Andrew Deason     (5620) vos offline: Bring volume back online for -busy
 2011-10-24 Andrew Deason     (5616) vlserver: Log to VLLog by default, not PtLog
 2011-10-24 Derrick Brashear  (5658) bypasscache: allow arbitrary sized iovecs
 2011-10-24 Derrick Brashear  (5600) ukernel: get an ip address even when dns and hosts suck
 2011-10-24 Derrick Brashear  (5554) bypasscache: do errors correctly
 2011-10-24 Rod Widdowson     (5649) Windows: Remove unused cleanup flag
 2011-10-24 Simon Wilkinson   (5661) roken: Add *progname() to shared library exports
 2011-10-24 Marc Dionne       (5666) dir: add missing return in DRead
 2011-10-24 Simon Wilkinson   (5665) tests: volser doesn't need rxgk yet
 2011-10-24 Simon Wilkinson   (5664) tests: Add opr library for ktime test
 2011-10-24 Simon Wilkinson   (5663) rpm: Add new libraries
 2011-10-24 Simon Wilkinson   (5662) rpm: Turn on debugging
 2011-10-24 Simon Wilkinson   (5660) rx: Define afs_kmutex_t for LWP too
 2011-10-24 Simon Wilkinson   (5659) dir: Don't leak a buffer on a failed Enumerate
 2011-10-24 Derrick Brashear  (5604) rx: ackall handling
 2011-10-24 Derrick Brashear  (5598) ukernel: set close-on-exec on our socket
 2011-10-24 Derrick Brashear  (5602) linux: makesrpm should cope with releases with letters
 2011-10-23 Derrick Brashear  (5605) ukernel: add morepackets check in listener
 2011-10-23 Andrew Deason     (5648) LINUX: Fix afs_linux_pag_to_groups signature
 2011-10-23 Andrew Deason     (5238) LINUX: Revert group changes on keyring failure
 2011-10-23 Andrew Deason     (5645) viced: Do not swallow errors on StoreData recovery
 2011-10-23 Derrick Brashear  (5606) ukernel: set pthread stacksize to an integer multiple of 8k
 2011-10-23 Simon Wilkinson   (5655) dir: Remove double release in FindBlobs
 2011-10-23 Derrick Brashear  (5612) afs: don't try GetDownD if nothing to get
 2011-10-23 Derrick Brashear  (5613) ukernel: don't define rdwr env on linux
 2011-10-23 Derrick Brashear  (5599) afs: on uuid init fail, don't leave garbage behind
 2011-10-23 Derrick Brashear  (5603) rx: Don't clear the receive queue when out of packets
 2011-10-23 Benjamin Kaduk    (5657) FBSD: typo fix
 2011-10-23 Andrew Deason     (4482) auth: Get correct viceid in legacy GetToken
 2011-10-23 Andrew Deason     (4481) auth: Force correct evenness on rxkad tokens
 2011-10-23 Simon Wilkinson   (5654) docs: Refer to dafs binaries by their real names
 2011-10-23 Simon Wilkinson   (5653) ptserver: Don't check for noauth before rebuilding
 2011-10-23 Benjamin Kaduk    (5572) FBSD: deal with kernel API rename
 2011-10-23 Andrew Deason     (4483) aklog_dynamic_auth: Support new SetToken pioctl

Patches merged into the devel 1.7.x branch

 Date       Committer        Change# Description
 2012-04-16 Jeffrey Altman    (7222) rx: Remove surplus call to FindPeer
 2012-04-16 Jeffrey Altman    (7221) rx: dec rx_nWaiting on clearing RX_CALL_WAIT_PROC
 2012-04-16 Jeffrey Altman    (7219) rx: conn_call_lock leak
 2012-04-15 Jeffrey Altman    (7217) DOC: Factored common text out of the vos_backup and vos_dump man pages
 2012-04-15 Jeffrey Altman    (7216) Windows: pioctl use GetFileAttributes
 2012-04-15 Jeffrey Altman    (7215) Windows: _._AFS_IOCTL_._ hidden and system
 2012-04-15 Jeffrey Altman    (7214) Windows: Remove PurgeContent param AFSVerifyEntry
 2012-04-15 Jeffrey Altman    (7213) Windows: Flush data and then drop locks
 2012-04-15 Jeffrey Altman    (7212) rx: Rework code which pulls packet from recv queue
 2012-04-15 Jeffrey Altman    (7211) rx: Tidy up currentPacket handling
 2012-04-12 Jeffrey Altman    (7193) Windows: missing brace in RDR_CleanupFileEntry
 2012-04-12 Jeffrey Altman    (7192) Windows: Do not delete in CleanupFile if error
 2012-04-12 Jeffrey Altman    (7191) doc: distributed files are under dest
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7174) Windows: AFSValidateProcessEntry, ullProcessId 64-bit
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7173) roken: Add rk_getprogname to Windows mapfile
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7171) rx: Remove packet burst elements from peer struct
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7170) rx: Remove the unused packet skew code
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7169) rx: Hide internal packet functions
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7168) rx: Hide struct rx_peer from the rest of the tree
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7167) shlibafsrpc: Add additional XDR functions
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7166) libafsrpc: Export connection accessor fuctions
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7165) rxperf: Build again
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7164) rx: remove peer burst elements from rx/test
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7163) rx: rxi_AckAll isn't an event handler
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7162) rx: Tidy up function scope in rx.c
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7161) rx: Remove trailing else from RX_KERNEL_TRACE
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7160) rx: Remove unused ACKHACK macro
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7159) tests: rx needs roken
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7158) rx: Remove needless braces
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7157) rx: Handle negative returns on packet reads
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7156) rxgen: Tidy up server side freeing
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7155) rx: Get rid of some uneccessary temporary vars
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7154) Rx: Avoid lastBusy/PEER_BUSY discrepancy
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7153) Rx: Add missing rx_packet.h includes
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7152) Remove dead code from rxi_FindIfnet()
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7151) Windows: report error on panic
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7150) Windows: correct afsredir log entries
 2012-04-10 Jeffrey Altman    (7149) Windows: Refactor AFSValidateEntry
 2012-04-07 Jeffrey Altman    (7114) Windows: Version 1.7.9
 2012-04-07 Jeffrey Altman    (7113) Windows: 1.7.9 ChangeLog
 2012-04-07 Jeffrey Altman    (7112) Windows: Disk Full errors instead of Quota Exceeded
 2012-04-07 Jeffrey Altman    (7110) Windows: AFSCheckCellName one level of indirection
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7064) Windows: CleanACLEnt requires cm_scache write locked
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7063) Windows: Name Array store mount point and volume root
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7062) Windows: do not call time() in a loop
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7061) Windows: Add per object per user EACCES caching
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7060) Windows: Fail recursive path evaluation with access denied
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7059) Windows: Check Avail Space on extending SetEndOfFile
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7058) Windows: AFSVerifyEntry purge file data on DV change
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7056) Windows: Redirector must query volume size when asked
 2012-04-06 Jeffrey Altman    (7055) Windows: cm_AddACLCache lock ordering
 2012-04-05 Jeffrey Altman    (7053) rx: fix bad merge 95c38dff3740d7e24971ceb5875c06e7abfce102
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7044) Windows: Redirector Dir Enumeration Bug
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7041) Windows: cm_GetNewSCache must return NULL on failure
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7040) Rx: give grow mtu its own call ref count type
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7039) rx: conn->callNumber protected by conn_call_lock
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7038) Rx: rxi_FreeCall conn_call_lock vs call->lock deadlock
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7036) Windows: Pass name array to AFSRetrieveFileInformation
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7035) Windows: Use hash when comparing File IDs in redirector
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7034) Windows FindACLCache must hold scp write locked
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7033) Windows: fix indentation
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7032) Windows: Freelance HaveAccessRights
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7031) Windows: optimize InitCallback3 processing
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7030) Windows: Record callback issued time
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7029) Windows: Implement cm_TGTLifeTime()
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7028) Windows: add parent FID to cm_GetSCache
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7027) viced: AFSDisk, AFSFetchVolumeStatus Int31 PartSize
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7026) rx: handle clock reversals for call timeouts
 2012-03-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6990) Windows: avoid deadlock with Trend Micro
 2012-03-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6989) Windows: Use ulFilter in AFSInvalidateObject
 2012-03-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6984) Windows: ObjectInformation.ObjectReferenceCount comparison
 2012-03-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6981) windows: ObjectInformationCB.ObjectReferenceCount
 2012-03-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6982) Windows: AFSInvalidateObject can overwrite input param
 2012-03-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6983) Windows: Add Name Array Processing Trace Subsystem
 2012-03-28 Jeffrey Altman    (6977) Windows: CreateProcessNotify verify changes
 2012-03-28 Jeffrey Altman    (6976) Windows: Fix VNOSERVICE EventLog parameters
 2012-03-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6956) Windows: Assign AuthGroup during Process Create
 2012-03-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6955) Windows: Refactor AFSProcessSupport
 2012-03-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6953) doc: correct implicit ACL permissions volume owner
 2012-03-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6942) Windows: AFSRedir Debug for STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY
 2012-03-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6939) Windows: Client handling of VNOSERVICE
 2012-03-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6920) Windows: invalidate correct objects during dir verification
 2012-03-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6915) rx: hold call->lock across RXS_PreparePacket
 2012-03-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6906) Windows: 1.7.8 (1.7.0800) Version
 2012-03-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6905) Windows: Change log for 1.7.8
 2012-03-14 Jeffrey Altman    (6902) rxgen: fix to use rx accessor routines
 2012-03-14 Jeffrey Altman    (6901) Windows: Drop resource across AFSCleanupFcb
 2012-03-14 Jeffrey Altman    (6900) Windows: Wait for memory allocation if necessary
 2012-03-14 Jeffrey Altman    (6899) Windows: Correct Data Version change synchronization
 2012-03-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6867) Windows: add __try..__except
 2012-03-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6866) Windows: fix indentation
 2012-03-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6865) Windows: Avoid deadlock in invalidation path
 2012-03-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6850) Windows: Workaround Win7 SMB Reconnect Bug
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6837) Windows: Fix an ExtentResource trace message
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6836) Windows: cm_UpdateCell never applies to Freelance mode
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6835) Windows: Redirector opens must set a valid FsContext
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6834) Windows: remove AFSOpenRedirector from AFSRedirLib
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6833) Windows: do not bugcheck in AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6832) Windows: Revert "AFSRedir DebugFlags Turn on BugCheck"
 2012-02-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6774) Windows: 1.7.7 Release Notes
 2012-02-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6773) Windows: version 1.7.7 (1.7.07000)
 2012-02-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6748) Windows: invalidate data version on link creation
 2012-02-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6746) Windows: AFSPerformObjectInvalidate hold ExtentsResource shared
 2012-02-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6745) Windows: fsLockCount not accurate
 2012-02-19 Jeffrey Altman    (6739) Windows: Dereg Lanman and Lsa reg values for afsredir
 2012-02-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6736) doc: replace hostnames with IETF example hostnames
 2012-02-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6735) Windows: Explorer Shell Set Unix Mode bits
 2012-02-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6732) Windows: remove unnecessary DirectoryEnumEvent
 2012-02-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6731) Windows: VolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock Deadlock
 2012-02-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6730) doc: refer to aklog instead of klog
 2012-02-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6720) Windows: disable afsdhook.dll reload by daemon
 2012-02-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6719) Windows: remove install9x rules
 2012-02-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6718) Windows: remove AFS_WIN95_ENV
 2012-02-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6717) Windows: add KTC_TOKEN_MUTEX_FAIL error code
 2012-02-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6716) Windows: avoid GetComputerNameW call for all ioctl
 2012-02-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6704) doc: fix AdminGuide
 2012-02-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6702) Windows: AFSRemoveFcb() cannot race
 2012-02-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6700) doc: add section on direct volume access
 2012-02-11 Jeffrey Altman    (6695) Windows: Perform rename to self check earlier
 2012-02-07 Jeffrey Altman    (6688) Windows: Version 1.7.6 (aka 1.7.0600)
 2012-02-07 Jeffrey Altman    (6687) Windows: 1.7.6 change log
 2012-02-07 Jeffrey Altman    (6686) Windows: Release Notes corrections
 2012-02-07 Jeffrey Altman    (6684) Windows: OpenAFS reparse points are surrogates
 2012-02-06 Jeffrey Altman    (6667) Windows: Avoid race during PIOCtl DirNode allocation
 2012-02-06 Jeffrey Altman    (6666) Windows: Hold Fcb references prior to service call
 2012-02-05 Jeffrey Altman    (6665) Windows: Do not build NSIS by default
 2012-02-05 Jeffrey Altman    (6663) Windows: Increase size of worker thread pools
 2012-02-05 Jeffrey Altman    (6662) Windows: Run Workers until empty task queue
 2012-02-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6659) Windows: add buf_InvalidateBuffers
 2012-02-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6658) Windows: fix cm_DirOpDelBuffer assert
 2012-02-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6657) Windows: buffer DV ranges do not work for directories
 2012-02-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6656) Windows: update btree debugging code
 2012-02-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6655) Windows: Do not open file if shutdown in progress
 2012-02-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6654) Windows: AFSRedir DebugFlags Turn on BugCheck
 2012-02-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6653) Windows: Improve AFSNotifyDelete
 2012-02-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6652) Windows: do not lower case direct volume references
 2012-01-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6635) Windows: Version 1.7.5 (1.7.0500)
 2012-01-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6634) Windows: change log for 1.7.5
 2012-01-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6633) man-pages: add fs_getverify and fs_setverify
 2012-01-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6631) Windows: do not panic if afsredir not ready during shutdown
 2012-01-29 Jeffrey Altman    (6625) Windows: Release Notes for 1.7.5
 2012-01-27 Jeffrey Altman    (6622) Windows: Stop the thundering herd
 2012-01-27 Jeffrey Altman    (6621) Windows: DriveSubstitution handle too small buffer
 2012-01-27 Jeffrey Altman    (6620) Windows: Invalidate all volumes at library init
 2012-01-27 Jeffrey Altman    (6619) Windows: Refactor and consolidate afsredir invalidation
 2012-01-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6608) Windows: make lock reader history debug only
 2012-01-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6607) Windows: store data verification mode
 2012-01-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6606) Windows: VIOC_GETUNIXMODE = smb_IoctlGetUnixMode
 2012-01-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6605) Windows: fix fs setcrypt help message
 2012-01-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6604) Windows; release BIOD after status merge
 2012-01-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6602) Revert "Windows: disable memory extent interface"
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6594) Windows: failover and retry for VBUSY
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6592) Windows: improved idle dead time handling
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6591) rx: RX_CALL_IDLE and RX_CALL_BUSY
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6590) Windows Asynchronous purging of file content after a DV change
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6589) Windows: cm_buf refcnt must hold buf_globalLock
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6588) Windows: Redesign daemon thread queue management
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6587) Windows: prevent race assigning Fcb in AFSInitFcb()
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6586) Windows: cm_EndCallbackGrantingCall refactoring
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6585) Windows: deadlock bet. DirEntry lock + DirectoryNodeHdr.TreeLock
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6584) Windows: Correctly mark extents dirty when using non-persistent AFS cache
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6583) Windows: Performing async work after cache invalidation
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6582) rx: Correctly test for end of call queue
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6581) Windows: disable memory extent interface
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6580) Windows: restrict service to 2 cpus by default
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6579) Windows: AFS_SERVER_FLUSH_DELAY AFS_SERVER_PURGE_DELAY
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6578) Windows: AFSParseName edge cases
 2012-01-20 Jeffrey Altman    (6577) Windows: afs root is always a directory
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6544) rx: add and export a public keepalive toggle
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6542) Windows: dir buffers out of date - mark them as such
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6541) Windows: Avoid file server rpcs on deleted files
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6540) Windows: use local var for interlocked result
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6539) Windows: AFSParseMountPointTarget buffer overrun
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6538) Windows: Directory Enumeration, DVs, and TreeLocks
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6537) Windows: correct log messages in AFSCleanup
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6536) Windows: Return Dir Data Version from AFSCleanup
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6535) Windows: reorg open handle counts and Fcb->NPFcb->Resource
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6534) Windows: Permit renames of open files
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6533) Windows: Do not prime the service directory cache
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6532) Windows: More specific error values
 2012-01-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6531) Windows: do not flush dirty extents without permission
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6490) Windows: Support correct status codes from service
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6489) Windows: Handle invalid node types
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6488) Windows: AFSFileUpdateResultCB ParentDataVersion
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6487) Windows: renames that overwrite existing target
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6486) Windows: AFSDirEnumResp and AFSDirEnumEntry changes
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6485) Windows: Add AFSFileEvalResultCB
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6484) Windows: Add AFSFileCleanupResultCB
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6483) Windows: STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID == invalid parent directory
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6482) Windows: Request extents readability
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6481) Windows: RequestExtents avoid bufWrite if rdr held
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6480) Windows: avoid race during Fcb cleanup
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6479) Windows: avoid deadlock if bulk error during enum
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6478) Windows: AFSInsertHashEntry can fail
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6477) Windows: additional AFSValidateEntry logging
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6476) Windows: add DV and error status to dir enumerations
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6475) Windows: protect merge status against dscp == scp
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6474) Windows: protect dir ops by CM_SCACHESYNC_STOREDATA
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6473) Windows: init scache DV=CM_SCACHE_VERSION_BAD
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6472) Windows: afsredirlib log messages
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6471) Windows: Symlink resolve failure error
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6470) Windows: Make idle dead timeout very long
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6469) Windows: replace strdup with xdr_alloc in callback processing
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6468) windows: osi_TSignalForMLs simplify
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6467) Windows: osisleep do not tamper with queues
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6466) Windows: osi_sleepInfo tid type
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6465) Windows: add osi_TWaitExt(), fix osi_TWait()
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6464) Windows: use waiters counter instead of osi_TEmpty
 2012-01-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6463) Windows: kauth search for kerberos iv port first
 2011-12-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6429) Windows: Avoid bottleneck on VolumeLock
 2011-12-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6428) Windows: avoid race in cm_GetNewSCache
 2011-12-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6427) Windows: cm_BufWrite() must wait in cm_SyncOp()
 2011-12-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6426) rx: Don't adjust non-existent events
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6409) Windows: AFSCleanup extent processing
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6408) Windows: AFSRetrieveValidAuthGroup FILE_READ_DATA
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6407) Windows: AFSRequestExtentsAsync retry with alt authgroup
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6406) Windows: Use AuthGroups for extent request error reporting
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6405) Windows: Explicit permission check on extent release
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6404) Windows: RDR_CleanupFileEntry restrict extent claw back
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6403) Windows: remove unused AFSRequestExtents()
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6402) Windows: Bad DV invalidate only when new DV not 0
 2011-12-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6401) Windows: Define times in terms of AFS_ONE_SECOND
 2011-12-19 Jeffrey Altman    (6381) Windows: version 1.7.4
 2011-12-19 Jeffrey Altman    (6380) Windows: ChangeLog for 1.7.4
 2011-12-19 Jeffrey Altman    (6379) Windows: avoid deadlock during SetRenameInformation
 2011-12-19 Jeffrey Altman    (6378) Windows: terminate HOSTS/LMHOSTS with newline
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6374) Windows: Track AuthGroup in Context Control Block
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6366) Windows: save fid/type for redirector invalidation
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6373) Windows: Tear down extents upon file deletion
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6372) Windows: notify file size change if flushed
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6371) Windows: forget data version only for flushing
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6370) Windows: fix indentation
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6369) Windows: AFSSetRenameInfo log message
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6368) Windows: return error to system paging requests
 2011-12-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6367) Windows: log volume and authgroup for redir open
 2011-12-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6357) Windows: move to head of queue no-op if not in queue
 2011-12-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6356) Windows: Properly convert FID structures
 2011-12-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6355) Windows: propagate directory enumeration failures
 2011-12-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6354) Windows Problem with cross-directory rename
 2011-12-17 Jeffrey Altman    (6353) Windows: Update Adv Firewall Rules
 2011-12-14 Jeffrey Altman    (6258) Windows: AFSRDFSProvider stack overrun
 2011-12-10 Jeffrey Altman    (6246) Windows: memory leak when setting tokens via smb
 2011-12-10 Jeffrey Altman    (6245) Windows: Suspend/Resume for afsd_service
 2011-12-08 Jeffrey Altman    (6239) Windows: increase timeout for extent request retries
 2011-12-08 Jeffrey Altman    (6238) Windows: include owner/group in Security DACL
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6226) Windows: version 1.7.3 (1.7.0300)
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6225) Windows: Release Notes Updates
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6224) windows: 1.7.3 change log
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6221) rx: Make CALL_RELE and CALL_HOLD lock refcnt mutex
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6220) rx: Helper function for decrementing conn refcnt
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6217) rx: Hide the rx_packet.h
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6216) Windows: define MIN and MAX
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6215) rx: Make the rx_call structure private
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6214) rx: Make struct rx_connection private
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6213) Windows: apply Nat Pings only to cm_rootUser connections
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6212) Windows: track cm_rootUser connections
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6211) rx: rx_conn/rx_peer refCount signed
 2011-12-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6210) rx: Some kernels have no reschedule function
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6202) Windows: npdll connected query returns no usage
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6201) Windows: Use roken's min and max
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6200) rx: Refactor MaxMTU error checking
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6192) Windows: GetInfoTip really set return to NULL
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6191) Windows: memset in RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6190) Windows: cm_MergeStatus redirector invalidation
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6189) Windows: cm_MergeStatus use new DV to purge buffers
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6188) Windows: use interlocked increment on cm_buf_t refcnt
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6187) Windows: buf_GetNewLocked should use cleaned cm_buf
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6186) Windows: fix buf_Recycle() comment
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6185) Windows: buf_CleanAsync is not async; rename it
 2011-12-03 Jeffrey Altman    (6184) Windows: convert buf_IncrSyncer to pthreads
 2011-12-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6170) Windows: invalidate rdr for CM_SCACHE_VERSION_BAD
 2011-12-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6169) Windows: do not set CM_SCACHEFLAG_EACCES twice
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6156) Windows: AFSRDFSProvider log to file
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6155) Windows: NPEnumResources no Printer support
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6154) Windows: NPGetConnectionCommon buffer too small
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6153) Windows: no drive subst for NPCancelConnection
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6152) Windows: refactor NPCancelConnection
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6151) Windows: Mount Point and Symlink Overlay Icons
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6150) Windows: Wix disable integrated logon by default
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6149) rx: Use a red black tree for the event stack
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6148) Unix CM: Build rbtrees in kernel
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6147) udebug: Fix endianness when fudging lastYesHost
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6146) Windows: FSync not CleanVnode during Cleanup
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6145) Windows: Wix cell names can be greater than 120 chars
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6144) Windows: cache format version change
 2011-11-30 Jeffrey Altman    (6143) Windows: osi_mutex / osi_rwlock changes
 2011-11-28 Jeffrey Altman    (6129) Windows: convert daemons threads to pthreads
 2011-11-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6115) Windows: add trace logging to Pioctl File Info Query
 2011-11-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6114) Windows: _._AFS_IOCTL_._ size is zero
 2011-11-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6113) Windows: RDR_InvalidateObject do not hold locks
 2011-11-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6112) Windows: cm_GetSCache do not release unheld lock
 2011-11-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6111) Windows: Use Jenkins' Hash
 2011-11-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6107) auth: avoid excessive stat of cellservdb
 2011-11-23 Jeffrey Altman    (6106) opr: Add Bob Jenkins's hash functions
 2011-11-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6077) Windows: Version 1.7.2a (1.7.0201)
 2011-11-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6076) Windows: RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync unheld lock
 2011-11-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6074) Windows: must obtain and release an actual lock
 2011-11-18 Jeffrey Altman    (6073) Windows: non-release only worker threads can release
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6070) Windows: Version 1.7.2 (1.7.0200)
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6069) Windows: 1.7.2 Change Log
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6068) auth: initKeys before first error exit path
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6066) Windows: Do not install IBM AFS HLP files
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6064) Windows: buf_CleanAsyncLocked dirty range only
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6063) Windows: create scache->redirMx to reduce contention
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6062) Windows: Increase default number of daemon threads
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6061) Windows: cm_SetupStoreBIOD use firstModOffset chunk
 2011-11-16 Jeffrey Altman    (6060) Windows: Fairness for background operations
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6049) Windows: Create default Security Descriptor
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6047) Windows: interlocked refCount increment in cm_GetSCache
 2011-11-14 Jeffrey Altman    (6018) Windows: netidmgr krb5_cc_get_principal can fail
 2011-11-14 Jeffrey Altman    (6017) Windows: missing braces in AFSFSControl
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6015) Windows: smb_ReceiveNTCreateX create smb_fid earlier
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6014) Windows: cm_GetSCache avoid holding cm_scacheLock
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6013) Windows: avoid null ptr in RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6012) Windows: Track active RPCs per scache_t
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6011) Windows: fix locking hierarchy in service
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6010) afs: Do not use separate array for srvAddrs
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6009) rx: Turn the rxevent_Cancel macro into a function
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6008) rx: New signature for rx event functions
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6007) opr: Add a red/black tree implementation
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6006) rx: Add a helper function for delayed acks
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (6005) opr: Add opr_containerof
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5999) Windows: add braces to case statements
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5998) Windows: Add Vista/Win7 Firewall Configuration
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5997) Windows: Enforce Share Access
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5996) namei: Remove extraneous rmdir
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5995) vol: Remove O_EXCL|O_TRUNC combinations
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5994) Windows: FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT not yet implemented
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5993) Windows: FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT error
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5992) Windows: FSCTL_IS_PATHNAME_VALID return success
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5991) Windows: these fsctl cmds are not implemented
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5990) Windows: Additional trace logging
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5989) Windows: service must set reparse point attribute
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5988) Windows: Correctly increment PIOCtl DE
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5987) Windows: FileNetworkPhysicalNameInfo implementation
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5986) Windows: improve store data parallelism
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5985) volser: Preserve needsSalvaged during restore
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5984) viced: avoid bogus handle in rename
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5983) regen: Fail on failures
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5982) Add "pretty" build option
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5981) Specify pattern rules in addition to suffix rules
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5980) Add setenv/unsetenv to roken
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5979) dafs: avoid null deref getting volume header
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5978) salvager: Implement AskDAFS via SYNC flags
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5977) ukernel: handle pioctl errors properly in ktc
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5976) libafsauthent: Remove obsolete HP-UX workaround
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5975) volser: Remove debugging log messages
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5974) Unix CM: Fix dir buffer leak in afs_readdir
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5973) DAFS: Deal with exclusive-state volume headers
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5972) Windows: NPCancelConnection set correct length
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5971) Windows: do not leak resource in AFSQueryDirectory
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5970) Windows: Failed to release correct lock
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5969) doc: limitations of addsite on different partitions
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5968) Import of code from heimdal
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5967) Solaris: Specify ARCHFLAGS in CFLAGS
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5966) Do OPENAFS_OSCONF before compiler autoconf tests
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5965) Remove -settime/RXAFS_GetTime client support
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5964) opr: queue swap
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5963) external: trigger git commit-msg hooks on import
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5962) external: commit imports with --no-verify
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5961) Import setenv.c and unsetenv.c from roken
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5960) Windows: fix deadlock in symlink Attrib retrieval
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5959) Windows: always set reparse point attrib for symlink
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5958) Windows: remember when a reparse point is opened
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5957) Windows: Mount points are always directories
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5956) Windows: Retrieve file attributes on symlinks
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5955) Windows: add AFSRetrieveParentPath()
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5954) kdump-build: don't install when it hasn't been built for *bsd*
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5953) klog.krb5: enforce DES for rxkad
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5952) Windows: DE Reference count added during create
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5951) Windows: change AFSProcessUserFsRequest default
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5950) Windows: correct ordering of reparse point tests
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5949) Windows: log FSCTL_CSC_INTERNAL requests
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5948) Windows: Directory Entry Processing
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5947) Windows: additional trace logging for afsredirlib
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5946) Windows: Reimplement AFSGenerateCRC()
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5945) Linux: 3.1: update RCU path walking detection in permission i_op
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5944) rx: Remove the ADAPT_WINDOW code
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5943) Windows: cm_Rename break in 9cf7a628c2ff178b2fa236d2c0a41ca9be315036
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5942) Windows: out of date version not in current chunk
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5941) Windows: only flush buffers on shutdown if running
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5940) Windows: Do not EEXIST exact match during rename
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5939) opr: build on Windows after queue.h move
 2011-11-13 Jeffrey Altman    (5938) Windows: Look for 8.3 name when doing a rename
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5937) Windows: New Trace for DirEntry tracking problem
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5936) Windows: Free work item memory with tag value
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5935) Windows: free pointer after last reference
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5934) Windows: AFSInitPIOCtlDirectoryCB free in try_exit
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5933) Windows: close leak in AFSPrimaryVolumeWorkerThread
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5932) Windows: afsredir only wants shortName if not 8.3
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5931) Windows: Use SetFlag macro when setting flag
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5930) Windows: minor typo in trace output
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5929) Windows: AFSRemoveCaseInsensitiveDirEntry corrections
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5928) Windows: AFSEvaluateTargetByName free buffer if no return
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5927) Windows: remove unused code block
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5926) Windows: re-indent afsredir log message params
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5925) Windows:  Defer deref of a directoryEntry
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5924) Windows: Set new file index correctly during rename
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5923) allow cloning of any volume to any volume with same parent ID
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5922) remove check for disallowing clones of backup or ro volumes
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5921) bozo: build notifier sample program
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5920) bozo: test program update
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5919) DAFS: Remove VOL_SALVAGE_INVALIDATE_HEADER
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5918) DAFS: fssync online requires a partition name argument
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5917) volser: Remove ExtractVolId
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5916) viced: Check for HOSTDELETED in stillborn check
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5915) vlserver: Log to VLLog by default, not PtLog
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5914) vos offline: Bring volume back online for -busy
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5913) cache bypass: don't define iovecp for UKERNEL
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5912) Windows: Remove unused cleanup flag
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5911) bypasscache: allow arbitrary sized iovecs
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5910) bypasscache: do errors correctly
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5909) ukernel: get an ip address even when dns and hosts suck
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5908) dir: add missing return in DRead
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5907) tests: volser doesn't need rxgk yet
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5906) tests: Add opr library for ktime test
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5905) roken: Add *progname() to shared library exports
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5904) rx: Define afs_kmutex_t for LWP too
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5903) dir: Don't leak a buffer on a failed Enumerate
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5902) LINUX: Fix afs_linux_pag_to_groups signature
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5901) LINUX: Revert group changes on keyring failure
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5900) viced: Do not swallow errors on StoreData recovery
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5899) opr: Move queue header out of util
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5898) dir: Remove double release in FindBlobs
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5897) afs: don't try GetDownD if nothing to get
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5896) ukernel: don't define rdwr env on linux
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5895) ukernel: set pthread stacksize to an integer multiple of 8k
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5894) ukernel: add morepackets check in listener
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5893) afs: on uuid init fail, don't leave garbage behind
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5892) ukernel: set close-on-exec on our socket
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5891) auth: Get correct viceid in legacy GetToken
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5890) auth: Force correct evenness on rxkad tokens
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5889) docs: Refer to dafs binaries by their real names
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5888) ptserver: Don't check for noauth before rebuilding
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5887) Windows AFSRDR: Log before decrementing refcount
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5886) ukernel: don't enforce thread lockers in remove vop
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5885) ukernel: install our sysincludes to root.perf
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5884) ukernel: add uafs_access
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5883) volinfo: fix bad format string
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5882) vol_split: avoid using stale open directory vnodes
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5881) bozo: bosserver man page updates
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5880) bypasscache: free in order
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5879) doc: fileserver synopsis typo
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5878) bypasscache for ukernel
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5877) aklog_dynamic_auth: Support new SetToken pioctl
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5876) Remove a few extra trailing backslashes
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5875) vol: Only check "logging" on vice partitions
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5874) FSSYNC-Client:  Consistent use of partition name
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5873) DAFS: Do not serialize state for invalid hosts
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5872) DAFS: Skip hosts with invalid flags on restore
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5871) DAFS: Add explicit 'valid' field for index maps
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5870) viced: Assert valid statistics indices
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5869) viced: Use xfer indices for xfer data
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5868) rx: add post RPC procedure capability
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5867) viced: remove duplicate declaration
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5866) Windows: Remove spurious use of CRTL
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5865) Remove references to afs_assert.h
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5864) ukernel: output dataversion in stat struct if possible
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5863) ukernel: make web enhancements the default
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5862) Windows: Fix comment about DiskPartition64
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5861) bozo: report bosserver -rxbind address
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5860) Windows: do not install afs_assert.h
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5859) bozo: fix overrun from -rxbind on restart
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5858) volinfo: refactor vnode handling
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5857) volinfo: release volume header ihandles when done
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5856) Clean up assertion
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5855) Move abort() into opr
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5854) bozo: bosserver -pidfiles option
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5853) bozo: remove duplicate prototype
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5852) Fix buffer leak in dir/buffers.c
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5851) viced: fix incorrect error message
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5850) bozo: pass -rxbind on restart
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5849) salvager: fix filesystem path truncation
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5848) ntohs ubik header size
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5847) dir: remove unnecessary cast from malloc
 2011-11-12 Jeffrey Altman    (5846) rx: arrange for Finalize to really stop running calls
 2011-11-11 Jeffrey Altman    (5845) rx: Don't clear the receive queue when out of packets
 2011-11-11 Jeffrey Altman    (5844) rx: ackall handling

Patches merged into the stable 1.6.x branch

 Date       Committer        Change# Description
 2012-04-04 Andrew Deason     (7045) SOLARIS: Correct misplaced osi_machdep.h #endif
 2012-04-03 Jeffrey Altman    (7023) viced: AFSDisk, AFSFetchVolumeStatus Int31 PartSize
 2012-03-28 Jeffrey Altman    (6974) Windows: Fix VNOSERVICE EventLog parameters
 2012-03-27 Derrick Brashear  (6972) macos: iterate mdfound packagemakers when spaces are present
 2012-03-27 Derrick Brashear  (6968) macos: find packagemaker instead of assuming path
 2012-03-26 Derrick Brashear  (6965) osx: deal with more kerberos damage
 2012-03-26 Derrick Brashear  (6957) viced: Do not ignore all InlineBulkStatus errors
 2012-03-25 Jeffrey Altman    (6952) doc: correct implicit ACL permissions volume owner
 2012-03-22 Jeffrey Altman    (6940) Windows: Client handling of VNOSERVICE
 2012-03-22 Derrick Brashear  (6932) Linux 3.4: Switch to d_make_root
 2012-03-21 Andrew Deason     (6918) LINUX: Use afs_convert_code in afs_notify_change
 2012-03-21 Andrew Deason     (6917) LINUX: move afs_notify_change to osi_vnodeops.c
 2012-03-16 Derrick Brashear  (6910) afs: Never #define away afsd_dynamic_vcaches
 2012-03-16 Derrick Brashear  (6909) rx: hold call->lock across RXS_PreparePacket
 2012-03-15 Jonathan Billings (6889) redhat: Don't replace modified configuration files during rpm update
 2012-03-12 Jeffrey Altman    (6891) viced: fix inverted lockCount assignment
 2012-03-04 Jeffrey Altman    (6872) Windows: 1.6.1pre4 change log
 2012-03-04 Derrick Brashear  (6870) macos: don't crash on krb5 damage
 2012-03-03 Derrick Brashear  (6862) Fixes dkms.conf for Redhat Enterprise
 2012-03-02 Jeffrey Altman    (6853) unix: always retry RX_CALL_BUSY
 2012-03-01 Jeffrey Altman    (6848) Windows: Workaround Win7 SMB Reconnect Bug
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6841) Windows: disable Adv ICF support if not supported
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6838) Windows: ChangeLog for 1.6.1pre3
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6831) Windows: failover and retry for VBUSY
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6830) Windows: improved idle dead time handling
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6829) Windows: cm_UpdateCell never applies to Freelance mode
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6828) Windows: fix cm_DirOpDelBuffer assert
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6827) Windows: buffer DV ranges do not work for directories
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6826) Windows: VIOC_GETUNIXMODE = smb_IoctlGetUnixMode
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6825) Windows: fix fs setcrypt help message
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6824) Windows; release BIOD after status merge
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6823) Windows: cm_buf refcnt must hold buf_globalLock
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6822) Windows: restrict service to 2 cpus by default
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6821) Windows: dir buffers out of date - mark them as such
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6820) Windows: replace strdup with xdr_alloc in callback processing
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6819) Windows: kauth search for kerberos iv port first
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6818) Windows: cm_BufWrite() must wait in cm_SyncOp()
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6817) Windows: terminate HOSTS/LMHOSTS with newline
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6816) Windows: Update Adv Firewall Rules
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6815) Windows: memory leak when setting tokens via smb
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6814) Windows: apply Nat Pings only to cm_rootUser connections
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6813) Windows: track cm_rootUser connections
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6812) Windows: fix buf_Recycle() comment
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6811) Windows: buf_CleanAsync is not async; rename it
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6810) Windows: Wix cell names can be greater than 120 chars
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6809) Windows: cm_GetSCache do not release unheld lock
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6808) Windows: buf_CleanAsyncLocked dirty range only
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6807) Windows: cm_SetupStoreBIOD use firstModOffset chunk
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6806) Windows: smb_ReceiveNTCreateX create smb_fid earlier
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6805) Windows: fix locking hierarchy in service
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6804) Windows: log SMB or RDR in use at startup
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6803) Windows: Add version number to event log start pending message
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6802) Windows: afslogon network provider debug registry value
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6801) Windows: afslogon.dll is not a file system interface
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6800) Windows: torture error reporting
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6799) Windows: change buf_Find*() signature to accept cm_fid_t
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6798) Windows: do not drop lock unnecessarily
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6797) Windows: cm_serverLock read required not write
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6796) Windows: be explicit when mapping sharing violation
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6795) Windows: avoid duplicate volume update queries
 2012-02-26 Jeffrey Altman    (6794) Windows: fix condition calls to osi_Log
 2012-02-25 Derrick Brashear  (6793) Rewrite in shell script
 2012-02-23 Andrew Deason     (6778) salvager: Do not abort on large volume IDs
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6777) libafs: retry retriable RPCs instead of abandoning
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6772) libafs: ensure one nat ping connection per srvAddr
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6771) volser: Remove unused variable
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6770) viced: Relax "h_TossStuff_r failed" warnings
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6769) viced: Remove extraneous h_AHTAHT_r in h_GetHost_r
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6768) viced: Set h_GetHost_r probefail if MPAA_r fails
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6767) viced: Correctly update addrs on alt addr probe
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6766) viced: Delete dup host before probing old host
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6765) vos: allow releases without offline time
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6764) vos: refactor code
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6763) Rx: Avoid lastBusy/PEER_BUSY discrepancy
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6762) vol: allow clones of readonly volumes
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6761) volser: allow clonevol purge id to be new id
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6760) volser: allow cloning non-rw volumes
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6759) libafs: kill rxevent daemon even in upcall mode
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6758) doc: refer to aklog instead of klog
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6757) RedHat: Fail openafs-client 'stop' on rmmod error
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6756) doc: fix AdminGuide
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6755) doc: add section on direct volume access
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6754) viced: Keep H_LOCK while locking host in h_Alloc_r
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6753) viced: Allow null host for BreakCallBack
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6752) com_err: correctly deal with lack of libintl
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6751) linux: fix probing for noop_fsync
 2012-02-23 Derrick Brashear  (6750) viced: lockcount only valid if not expired
 2012-02-08 Andrew Deason     (6683) Disable kernel opt by default on Solaris 10 and 11
 2012-02-08 Andrew Deason     (6682) SOLARIS: Use kcred instead of afs_osi_cred
 2012-02-07 Andrew Deason     (6642) afs: Panic on afs_conn refcount imbalance
 2012-02-07 Andrew Deason     (6641) Unix CM: reset blacklist on hard-mount retry
 2012-02-05 Simon Wilkinson   (6640) Linux: rpm: Update to include changes to installed files
 2012-02-05 Andrew Deason     (6643) SOLARIS: Do not build x86 kernel module on 5.11
 2012-01-24 Derrick Brashear  (6614) make openafs 1.6.1pre2
 2012-01-24 Derrick Brashear  (6613) viced: disable rx keepalives during disk io
 2012-01-24 Derrick Brashear  (6612) rx: RX_CALL_IDLE and RX_CALL_BUSY
 2012-01-24 Derrick Brashear  (6611) RX: Avoid timing out non-kernel busy channels
 2012-01-24 Derrick Brashear  (6610) libafs: add replicated connection pool
 2012-01-24 Derrick Brashear  (6609) vol: remove SYNC fatal_error processing
 2012-01-23 Derrick Brashear  (6570) rx: Correctly test for end of call queue
 2012-01-23 Derrick Brashear  (6569) Linux: use standard macro for set_nlink configure test
 2012-01-16 Derrick Brashear  (6550) vol: Fix VCreateVolume special inode cleanup
 2012-01-16 Derrick Brashear  (6549) DAFS: Fix SYNC_FAILED VScheduleSalvage_r log
 2012-01-11 Derrick Brashear  (6522) rx: add and export a public keepalive toggle
 2012-01-11 Derrick Brashear  (6521) afs: put back conn if not using in checkserver loop
 2012-01-11 Derrick Brashear  (6527) Make libjafs buildable again
 2012-01-11 Derrick Brashear  (6526) libuafs: only rebuild h directory when needed
 2012-01-09 Derrick Brashear  (6520) afs: discard cached state when we are unsure of validity
 2012-01-07 Derrick Brashear  (6495) DAFS: Atomically re-hash vnode in VGetFreeVnode_r
 2012-01-07 Derrick Brashear  (6494) afs: Grab a reference to setp in afs_icl_Event4
 2012-01-07 Michael Meffie    (6386) xstat: cm xstat time values are 32 bit
 2012-01-07 Derrick Brashear  (6518) afs: increase idledead time
 2012-01-03 Derrick Brashear  (6493) linux: fsync on a directory should return 0, not EINVAL
 2012-01-03 Derrick Brashear  (6492) rpm: Don't attempt to restart on upgrade when using systemd
 2011-12-27 Andrew Deason     (6414) libafs: memset dirHeader->hashTable
 2011-12-20 Andrew Deason     (6388) Include afsconfig.h before anything else
 2011-12-19 Andrew Deason     (6376) aklog: Add replacement setenv/unsetenv
 2011-12-17 Andrew Deason     (6348) afs: Clear VHardMount on ResetVolumeInfo
 2011-12-17 Derrick Brashear  (5809) make openafs 1.6.1pre1
 2011-12-17 Andrew Deason     (6347) libafs: Rate-limit hard-mount waiting messages
 2011-12-17 Andrew Deason     (6346) libafs: Remove unused volume "states" flags
 2011-12-17 Andrew Deason     (6345) libafs: Avoid using changing unixuser ticket data
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6295) pam: Fix password torching const-ness
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6293) pam: Clear up PAM_CONST related warnings on Linux
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6319) SOLARIS: Define BSD_COMP for non-UKERNEL on 5.11
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6318) vlserver: Avoid atoi for vol ids
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6313) rx: arrange for Finalize to really stop running calls
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6312) RPM: Fix dkms support on Fedora 15
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6324) DAFS: Ensure logging on attach2 errors
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6325) salvager: Create link table with volume group id
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6326) libafs: only do pings for default conn with root uid
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6327) libafs: disable mtu discovery
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6320) DAFS: Do not transition to ERROR on trivial errors
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6321) DAFS: Ensure GetVolume errors on ERROR volumes
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6322) DAFS: Log more for VPreAttachVolumeByVp odd states
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6323) DAFS: Avoid unnecessary preattach on FSYNC_VOL_ON
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6328) vol: log error reason on header read failure
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6315) solaris: libafs depends on fs/ufs
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6314) ntohs ubik header size
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6292) make afsdump_scan get ACLs right
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6329) vos: fix code to not triple-negate
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6316) cache bypass: don't define iovecp for UKERNEL
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6311) aklog: strlen(NULL) doesn't work
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6298) viced: Check vnode length on Rename and Link
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6310) ihandle: OPEN fdPs are not counted in ihP refcount
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6309) xserver lock order violation
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6308) xvcb lock order violation
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6307) aklog: work around lion kerberos disaster
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6306) ihandle: Actually assert active fdPs are not AVAIL
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6305) LINUX  vcache lock ordering in afs_linux_readdir
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6304) butc: initialize startTime before it is used
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6303) afsd: Fail gracefully on mtab open failure
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6302) vos: Don't leak/overflow bulkaddrs
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6301) volinfo: fix size totals when saving inodes
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6300) libafs: Always use anonymous VL connections
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6299) viced: Don't VTakeOffline_r without glock
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6296) viced: Do not try to reuse deleted client
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6294) pam: Password is const in setcred
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6291) pam: Use PAM_CONST more often
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6290) pam: Check for null upwd from getpwnam_r
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6289) pam: Use POSIX getpwnam_r on Solaris
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6288) kernel upcall rx env should shut down event daemon
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6286) DAFS: Request salvage on detach for volser
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6285) volser: Avoid assert on ViceCreateRoot failure
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6284) DAFS: Do not give back vol to viced after salvage
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6283) afsd: Trim trailing slashes on Linux mntent
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6282) ubik: don't rely on timeout value after select()
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6281) Irix: Supress some more warnings in kernel builds
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6280) fsprobe: Fix usage message
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6279) fsprobe: call RXAFS_GetTime directly
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6278) Linux: Fix USE_UCONTEXT detection
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6273) vol: remove warning on use of DFlushVolume
 2011-12-16 Derrick Brashear  (6268) vol: Move VOL_CV_TIMEDWAIT to volume_inline.h
 2011-12-15 Derrick Brashear  (6276) vol: Add timeouts to SYNC server select() calls
 2011-12-15 Derrick Brashear  (6275) namei: Log ListViceInodes write failures
 2011-12-15 Derrick Brashear  (6274) macos: dont want bind 8 compat on leopard
 2011-12-15 Derrick Brashear  (6317) doc: limitations of addsite on different partitions
 2011-12-15 Derrick Brashear  (6297) doc: Add aklog_dynamic_auth manpage
 2011-12-15 Derrick Brashear  (6271) LINUX: afs_linux_put_link is void
 2011-12-15 Derrick Brashear  (6270) DAFS: listvol + unsalvagable volumes = intolerable delay
 2011-12-15 Derrick Brashear  (6269) LINUX: Reduce stack depth on recursive symlink res
 2011-12-15 Derrick Brashear  (6267) rxgen: add *TranslateOpcode functions to XDR code
 2011-12-15 Derrick Brashear  (6287) fix manpage for udebug -servers
 2011-12-15 Derrick Brashear  (6277) macos: no more startupitems
 2011-12-14 Derrick Brashear  (6265) vol: Add interfaces for registering RX calls
 2011-12-14 Derrick Brashear  (6264) vol: Add VGetVolumeTimed
 2011-12-14 Derrick Brashear  (6263) rx: Call rxgen_consts.h by its proper name
 2011-12-14 Derrick Brashear  (6262) udebug: Always show tidCounter
 2011-12-14 Derrick Brashear  (6261) ubik: add interface for reading during write locks
 2011-12-14 Derrick Brashear  (6260) ubik: Fix buffers for reading-during-writes
 2011-12-14 Derrick Brashear  (6259) ubik: Abstract buffer matching and pass trans ptrs
 2011-12-13 Derrick Brashear  (6232) afs: prevent nat pings on destroyed connections
 2011-12-09 Benjamin Kaduk    (6235) FBSD: switch afsi_SetServerIPRank implementation
 2011-12-09 Benjamin Kaduk    (6234) FBSD: cleanup dvp locking for ISDOTDOT
 2011-12-09 Benjamin Kaduk    (6233) FBSD: typo fix
 2011-12-01 Derrick Brashear  (6161) remove CopyOnWrite2 and unused vars
 2011-12-01 Derrick Brashear  (6160) viced: disable accelerated copyonwrite
 2011-11-28 Derrick Brashear  (6124) Unix CM: Fix PutVolume in afs_BlackListOnce
 2011-11-28 Derrick Brashear  (6123) afs: Leave cellnum alone for explicit mtpt cell
 2011-11-28 Derrick Brashear  (6122) dafs: avoid null deref getting volume header
 2011-11-28 Derrick Brashear  (6121) Linux: 3: Update specfile to know about 3.* kernels.
 2011-11-22 Marc Dionne       (6104) Linux: make sure backing_dev_info is zeroed
 2011-11-21 Anders Kaseorg    (6098) Linux: 3.1: adapt to fsync changes
 2011-11-21 Anders Kaseorg    (6099) Linux: 3.2: Use set_nlink to update i_nlink
 2011-11-21 Anders Kaseorg    (6097) Linux: d_delete now takes a const argument
 2011-11-20 Derrick Brashear  (6090) redhat: make rpms build on pre-f15 again
 2011-11-20 Derrick Brashear  (6089) linux: Update Packaging to build OpenAFS services for Fedora's systemd
 2011-11-20 Derrick Brashear  (6088) Linux: 3.1: update RCU path walking detection in permission i_op
 2011-11-20 Derrick Brashear  (6087) klog.krb5: enforce DES for rxkad
 2011-11-20 Derrick Brashear  (6086) Solaris: Specify ARCHFLAGS in CFLAGS
 2011-11-20 Derrick Brashear  (6085) DAFS: Deal with exclusive-state volume headers
 2011-11-20 Derrick Brashear  (6084) ukernel: handle pioctl errors properly in ktc
 2011-11-20 Derrick Brashear  (6083) salvager: Implement AskDAFS via SYNC flags
 2011-11-20 Derrick Brashear  (6082) regen: Fail on failures
 2011-11-20 Derrick Brashear  (6081) viced: avoid bogus handle in rename
 2011-11-20 Derrick Brashear  (6080) volser: Preserve needsSalvaged during restore
 2011-11-19 Derrick Brashear  (6079) namei: Remove extraneous rmdir
 2011-11-19 Derrick Brashear  (6078) namei: tweak getlinkbyte error handling
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6045) Windows: Track active RPCs per scache_t
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6044) Windows: Add Vista/Win7 Firewall Configuration
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6043) Windows: cm_Rename break in 9cf7a628c2ff178b2fa236d2c0a41ca9be315036
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6042) Windows: out of date version not in current chunk
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6041) Windows: only flush buffers on shutdown if running
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6040) Windows: Do not EEXIST exact match during rename
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6039) Windows: validate buffer hash tables in cm_MergeStatus
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6038) Windows: record history of read lock threads
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6037) Windows: ignore SYNCHRONIZE privilege in cm_CheckNTOpen
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6036) Windows: permit offline volume check to be disabled
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6035) Windows: add clean rule to src/afs/NTMakefile
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6034) Windows: correct comments in cm_BkgStore
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6033) Windows: remove CM_BUF_CMBKGFETCH flag
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6032) Windows: use lock conversion in cm_EndDirOp
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6031) Windows: cm_SymLink export created cm_scache_t
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6030) Windows: correct cm_buf use of Head/Tail queues
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6029) Windows: remove dead code from cm_scache.c
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6028) Windows: add logging to smb_IoctlRead
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6027) Windows: remove potential data loss warning with cast
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6026) windows: pass cm_req_t through background ops
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6025) Windows: correct log message in buf_Sync()
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6024) Windows: buf_SetDirty do nothing if length is zero
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6023) Windows: remove MULTIHOMED ifdef
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6022) Windows: missing ! in update volume location
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6021) Windows: improve handling of volume rename
 2011-11-15 Jeffrey Altman    (6020) Windows: refactor volume location updates
 2011-11-14 Jeffrey Altman    (6019) Windows: netidmgr krb5_cc_get_principal can fail
 2011-11-11 Andrew Deason     (5831) volser: Remove debugging log messages
 2011-11-09 Simon Wilkinson   (5820) rx: Don't clear the receive queue when out of packets
 2011-11-04 Andrew Deason     (5788) afs: Only use actual connections for GetTime calls
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5771) make bozo honor -rxbind correctly
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5770) Suppress cmp component version error messages
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5769) viced: Check vnode length on dir ops
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5768) viced: Check vnode length on read and write
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5767) DAFS: DFlushVolume outside of vol glock
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5766) afs: Retry unlock after afs_StoreAllSegments
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5765) afs: Avoid memory leak on recursive write flock
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5764) vol: avoid MAXINT redefinition warning in vnode.c
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5763) DAFS: Correct FSYNC_VOL_QUERY_VOP checks
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5762) salvager: Give back volumes when exiting early
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5761) DAFS: Do not record vol ops for DELETED vols
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5760) salvager: Do not AskOnline nonexistent volumes
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5759) Fix ihandle.c indents
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5758) vol: Handle large volume IDs in VLockFile
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5757) vol-salvage: Fix AskOnline error message
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5756) Give a default reason in *sync-debug
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5755) ConvertROtoRW: Use old copyDate for creationDate
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5754) libafs: Set tvcp->callback before BulkStatus
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5753) ubik: Log a message when we replay the trans log
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5752) ubik: Replay the transaction log label correctly
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5751) ubik: Record the last write tid in writeTidCounter
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5750) DAFS: raise vhashsize limit
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5749) DAFS: Do not ignore out-of-range -vhashsize
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5779) Tidy up uio_t meaning
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5778) SOLARIS: Perform daemon syscalls as kernel threads
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5777) libafs: Consolidate afs_DaemonOp code
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5776) libafs: Indent afs_call.c ifdef maze
 2011-10-29 Benjamin Kaduk    (5639) FBSD: deal with kernel API rename
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5726) ukernel: get an ip address even when dns and hosts suck
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5725) allow cloning of any volume to any volume with same parent ID
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5724) remove check for disallowing clones of backup or ro volumes
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5723) bozo: test program update
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5722) DAFS: Remove VOL_SALVAGE_INVALIDATE_HEADER
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5721) DAFS: fssync online requires a partition name argument
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5720) volser: Remove ExtractVolId
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5719) viced: Check for HOSTDELETED in stillborn check
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5718) vos offline: Bring volume back online for -busy
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5717) bypasscache: allow arbitrary sized iovecs
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5716) bypasscache: do errors correctly
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5715) rpm: Turn on debugging
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5714) rx: ackall handling
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5713) LINUX: Fix afs_linux_pag_to_groups signature
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5712) LINUX: Revert group changes on keyring failure
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5711) viced: Do not swallow errors on StoreData recovery
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5710) linux: makesrpm should cope with releases with letters
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5709) afs: don't try GetDownD if nothing to get
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5708) ukernel: don't define rdwr env on linux
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5707) ukernel: set pthread stacksize to an integer multiple of 8k
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5706) ukernel: add morepackets check in listener
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5705) afs: on uuid init fail, don't leave garbage behind
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5704) ukernel: set close-on-exec on our socket
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5703) docs: Refer to dafs binaries by their real names
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5702) ptserver: Don't check for noauth before rebuilding
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5701) ukernel: don't enforce thread lockers in remove vop
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5700) ukernel: install our sysincludes to root.perf
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5699) ukernel: add uafs_access
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5561) bypasscache for ukernel
 2011-10-26 Derrick Brashear  (5698) vol_split: avoid using stale open directory vnodes
 2011-10-23 Derrick Brashear  (5611) bozo: bosserver man page updates

Patches merged into the stable 1.4.x branch

 Date       Committer        Change# Description
 2012-04-03 Derrick Brashear  (7024) viced: AFSDisk, AFSFetchVolumeStatus Int31 PartSize
 2012-02-03 Andrew Deason     (6623) rx: Correctly test for end of call queue
 2012-01-23 Andrew Deason     (6415) libafs: memset dirHeader->hashTable
 2012-01-23 Andrew Deason     (6593) libafs: Drop xvcache for AllocCBR
 2011-11-02 Andrew Deason     (5780) afs: Remove afs1_readdir
 2011-10-30 Andrew Deason     (5729) LINUX: Revert group changes on keyring failure
 2011-10-30 Andrew Deason     (5728) Linux: Fix return codes from setpag
 2011-10-24 Simon Wilkinson   (5618) dir: Protect against circular hash chains
 2011-10-24 Simon Wilkinson   (5617) libafs/dir: Verify directory pathnames
 2011-10-21 Andrew Deason     (5647) libafs: Set tvcp->callback before BulkStatus